Chapter 6

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A/N: This is not based on the trip to The Bahamas, but my one shot, In Paradise, will be. I outline my fanfics before I write them. Follow me on Twitter @ Laurmani_DC3_5H and Tumblr at Also subscribe to my YouTube channel with Laurmani and DC3 videos:

I had no class on Fridays and thought it would be a good time to hit the beach. The beaches were crowded on Saturdays and Sundays. Sometimes, I just need time alone, and it was unusually warm that day for it to be winter. After spending a few hours there, I came back home to Dinah and Normani watching a movie in the living room.

"Look at you," Dinah chimed. "You've got a little glow going. Where have you been?"

"I was at the beach reading. It's a beautiful day, and I got some color to my skin," I replied.

Normani coughed and mumbled, "Struggle tan."

"What was that?" I asked. I heard her, but I wanted her to say it out loud.

"Nothing," Normani responded.

I could tell she was going back to being her bitchy self, so I went to hide in my room for the thousandth time. I stripped off my clothes to shower. Salt from the ocean and sand were all over my skin. Before I could step in the tub, someone knocked on my bedroom door.

"What is it? I'm about to hop in the shower," I shouted.

"Can I give you a makeover?" Normani asked.

"No," I answered.

"But, you would look so pretty. I could really bring out your eyes," said Normani.

"I like the natural look. Now, let me shower," I replied.

"Ugh! You're so boring," Normani responded.

She could think I'm boring all she wanted. I just wanted to be left alone. After showering, I got on my laptop and logged on to my profile on a dating site. No surprise there. I had no new messages, and no one responded to the ones I sent out. I was getting tired of being single.

"What are you doing?" Normani asked as she burst through my door. Shit! I didn't lock it?

Normani welcomed herself to my bed and plopped down beside me. Then, she stared at my laptop screen. I wish I would have had forewarning to close it.

"You're on an online dating site? That's kind of pathetic, Lauren," Normani commented.

"Leave alone," I requested.

"Dinah and I need to take you out to tonight and find you a man," said Normani.

"Um, did you not get the message? I'm not into men," I said.

"You just haven't found the right one," Normani said. "Anyway, Dinah and I are going to this karaoke spot tonight. I wasn't going to invite you, but now I feel bad because you're obviously lonely. You should come with us."

"I don't need your pity," I responded.

"I was just joking," said Normani. "I was going to invite you."

"Yeah, I'll think about it."

"Okay. Be ready by nine," she told me.

Going to a karaoke club seemed bar. I would rather have been at the poetry slam, but Normani threatened to pour acid on my leather jackets if I didn't go with them. So, there I was in Dinah's car going somewhere I didn't want to go. Dinah volunteered to be the designated driver, so I planned on getting shit-faced to drown out the embarrassment.

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