Chapter 16

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I was sleeping in bed when I was woken up by Normani climbing out and rummaging through the junk on top of our dresser. I turned on the lamp on the nightstand and watched to see what she was doing. She picked up my iPod, turned it on, and started searching through it. Once she found what she wanted, she connected it to her speaker.

I turned to look at the clock. "Normani, it's past 1:00 am. Why are you putting on music?"

"I couldn't sleep," she answered. "I needed something boring to listen to and knew that Lana Del Rey would do the trick."

"Turn it off. I have class in the morning," I demanded.

"But, I have to get my beauty sleep," said Normani.

"Turn it off, Mani, now!" I insisted.

"No," she said stubbornly.

We were about to have a domestic violence situation. "Drink some milk. It'll help you go to sleep."

Normani whined, "You know that milk makes me gassy. Do you really want to sleep next to me while I'm gassy?"

"I bought you lactose-free milk," I reminded her.

"Fine, but if it doesn't work, I'm turning the music back on." Normani powered off my iPod and left the room to go to the kitchen.

I must have fallen back asleep while she was gone because I was once again awakened, but by music this time. "Mani, turn that shit off."

She was sleeping soundly and didn't hear me, so I shook her. "Mani, get up and turn my iPod off."

Normani groaned and rubbed her eyes. "I finally fall asleep, and you're waking me up."

"Turn the music off," I repeated.

Normani ignored me and laid her head back down. "Fine, I'll turn it off myself."

I got up to power off my iPod and disconnect it from the speaker. My mistake was not hiding it. Once I got back in bed, Normani got up and turned my iPod back on. Then, she stood in front of the dresser staring at me as if she was trying to challenge me to turn it off again. Well, I was up for the challenge. I got back out of bed and pushed her out of the way so that I could get to the iPod. Afterward, Normani shoved me out of the way and turned it back on.

In a normal state of mind, I wouldn't even think about fighting Normani because she has more upper body strength than I do; but, I was not in a normal state of mind. I was tired and needed to wake up early. My class was taking a quiz and Normani knew this, which only pissed me off even more.

I pushed Normani onto the bed and got on top of her holding her arms down. "You are going to keep that music off!" I yelled. "I have a quiz in the morning. Stop being selfish."

"Ouch, you're hurting me," Normani complained.

"Promise me that you'll keep the music off," I growled.

"Dinah!" Normani yelled out. "Help me. Lauren's gone crazy."

I was too focused on wrestling with Normani to notice Dinah coming into our room. "What is going on? I'm trying to sleep."

Normani couldn't speak because I had her mouth covered, and I didn't respond because I was too busy holding her down.

Dinah turned on the bedroom light and gasped. "Lauren, what are you doing?"

"Tell your friend to stop turning on my iPod, or I'm going to kill her," I warned.

"Oh, my god, Lauren! You're going to suffocate her," exclaimed Dinah. Suddenly, I felt her lift me off the bed. "Let's go outside and get some fresh air so that you can cool down," she suggested.

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