Chapter 9

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"Why are you so mad at Normani?" Dinah asked me. "Aren't you two fucking?" We had ordered Chinese take-out while Normani was out hanging with Ally.

"We slept together twice, and it won't be happening a third time. Normani's a pillow princess," I explained.

"What is a pillow princess?" asked Dinah.

"She just receives. She doesn't reciprocate," I answered.

"Hmmm. I bet she wasn't like that when she was with Camila because Camila doesn't seem like the type to put up with that. I think it's just some psychological hang-up with her parents finding out about her sexuality. She doesn't want to fully admit that she's into women," said Dinah.

"Whatever it is, I don't want to deal with it. Having blue clit is not fun," I said.

My days were spent staying as far away from Normani as possible. She could have warned me that she was a pillow princess instead of taking advantage of me, twice. I was not only mad at her; I wanted to avoid any kind of temptation she would throw my way. She was persistent.

"Lolo!" Normani whined. "How come you aren't talking to me?"

I was trying to study for an upcoming exam in the living room, and Normani wouldn't leave me alone. I had nothing to say to her, but she couldn't take a hint.

"Hey, that fashion blog wants me to write more articles for them. I wanted to thank you for giving me the idea," said Normani.

It was great that Normani finally had a job of some sort, but I wasn't going to let her know that.

"Oh, and I also have $200 to give you for rent. I know it isn't much, but every little bit counts, right?" asked Normani.

I took the cash out of her hand and went straight back to studying.

Normani whined again, "Lolo, talk to me."

I just needed to stay quiet and she would eventually go away.

Normani folded her arms around her chest and huffed. "I really like you. You're the only person I can talk to about social issues, and you're the only one willing to spend hours watching MSNBC with me. Who am I going to cry with when Bernie Sanders loses the Democratic nomination?"

"He can still win," I blurted out. Dammit. I couldn't keep my mouth shut.

"Ha! I made you talk," Normani jeered pointing her finger at me. "It's time to face reality. He's already lost most of the primaries and caucuses. He's bound to lose most of the future ones."

"Whatever," I said. "I need to study, and you're interrupting me."

Normani leaned in and started kissing and licking on my neck. I pulled away and frowned at her. "Stop it. Didn't I just tell you that I need to study?"

Normani sat behind me and started rubbing my shoulders. "You seem tense. You could relax a little."

"I wouldn't be so tense if you hadn't left me hanging," I snapped.

Normani got up from behind me and hopped off the couch. She then kneeled in front of me and began unbuttoning my pants. I had no clue what her plans were, but I let her to continue. I wanted to see where this was going.

She grabbed the waist of my panties and blue jeans and tugged on them. I lifted up so that she could pull them off. Then, she plunged her face right into my center.

"Wait! Shouldn't we go to my bedroom? I wouldn't want Dinah walking in on us," I suggested.

Normani disagreed, "She's spending the whole weekend at her family's house. She won't be back until tomorrow evening."

"If that's the case, then carry on," I replied.

And, boy, did she carry on. She brought me to climax so many times, I had to beg her to stop. What a way to make up for those other two nights.

"How come you didn't do that before?" I asked almost out of breath.

She shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know."

That was an odd response, but I didn't have time to dwell on it. Before I knew it, our front door was unlocked and Dinah was walking in. She screamed when she saw my half-naked body on the couch.

"How come Lauren has no pants on?" Dinah inquired.

I stood up, picked my pants off the floor, and ran into my bedroom. "Normani!" I yelled. "You said she wasn't coming home until tomorrow."

"Oh. Maybe that was next weekend," she responded.

"You were doing it on the couch?" I could hear Dinah cry from the living room. "I'm never sitting there again."

"Lauren's ass smelled pretty clean to me," Normani responded.

"Stop it, stop it, stop it!" exclaimed Dinah. "I don't want to hear anymore. My eyes are already burned. Oh, God. It smells like sex in here."

I could hear someone run to Dinah's bedroom and slam the door. I'm sure it was Dinah. Later on, we all had pizza together, so I thought Dinah had gotten over that scarring moment. Apparently, she hadn't.

"We need to burn that couch," she mentioned. "It probably smells like Lauren's vagina."

Normani replied, "Just spray some Febreze on it. You'll live."

"Guys, if you two are going to be a thing, you need to respect the fact that I live here, too. Anything sexual needs to be done in Lauren's room and Lauren's room, only," demanded Dinah.

Normani and I both nodded our heads in acknowledgement. That's what we did from then on. We only had sex in my bedroom, but that posed other problems as demonstrated one Monday morning when Dinah woke up for work.

"Can't you two keep it down?" Dinah complained. "I have a job I need to go to. I don't write freelance articles on my own schedule. I have to wake up early in the morning."

"Sorry, Dinah," Normani and I apologized simultaneously.

Normani and I had become inseparable. We went to see Bernie Sanders speak at a rally. We even went to a Donald Trump rally so that we could boo him. I took Normani to a poetry slam and we started going together every other weekend after that. I even got Normani to go to a vegan restaurant with me, which she actually liked. She loves salad and periodically gets into her healthy moods. I finally had a girlfriend who not only accepted me, but had a lot of things in common with me. But, I learned that, with Normani, nothing good lasts long.

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