Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

I managed to shove Chase through the kitchen door as soon as he had entered my house- don't ask me how even I was surprised by the force that I held with in me. (The force is in me hahaha got to love Star Wars.)

"Chase stop, think about what you are going to do in my home."

His eyes went dark in that moment, there was no mistaking that he was beyond pissed. I place my hand on his chest, I could feel his heart beating faster than it should be.

I gently rubbed soothing circled on his chest; Chase seemed to have calmed down with my simple gesture.

He looked down at me and his face softened.

"Come on let's just go." He placed his arm around my shoulders and guided me towards the living room.

As we made our way to the couch I glanced at Christian, who was silently asking if everything was alright.

I simply gave him a reassured smile.

I glanced over to Chase. His focus was on Brandon forgetting the fact that Christian was even in the same room as him and well Brandon didn't hide the fact that Chase was his focus as well.

I noticed the tension on his face. I reached for his hand and gave it a squeeze "relax, watch the movie."

Chase had an evil smirk on his face. As if something genius, in his perspective of course, had flashed in that head of his.

He placed a butterfly kiss on my jawline. Oh, how sensual that one kiss felt.

He placed delicate and precise kisses along my jawline. I couldn't help but close my eyes. As I lifted my neck to give him access. He then picked me up and sat me on his lap.

I knew instantly why he was doing it. To show Brandon that I was his. I was mad at him internally, but I couldn't help myself. I was intoxicated with his butterfly kisses. I could feel Chase smirking as he placed his kiss after kiss on my neck.

"I think it's time for everyone to leave."
Jason's voice broke me from my Heavenly bliss. Causing me to open my eye.

I quickly pulled away from Chase.

"Oh, come on bro..." Christian spoke but before he could finish his sentence Jason cut him off.

"Chris, take Maggie, her little boy toy and get out of my house. Now. "
Jason said firmly.

Chase in the other hand sat next to me, his arm around my shoulders staring at Jason without even blinking.

It was as if they were both challenging each other. Neither looking away.

Christian got up from the couch and headed for Maggie.

"Come on Maggie lets go." He gestured for her to get up from the couch.

In all this time Brandon had managed to stay calm and quiet. Matt on the other hand Jason's best friend was the one that was throwing daggers at Brandon.

"Come on Brandon, there is way too much tension in here." She continued. "Christian drop us off at my house?"

She looked up at him and gave him what I knew to be her most seductive smile. She rubbed her hand against his arm. Brandon threw me a look and whispered something into Maggie's ear that made her eyes almost pop out.

I couldn't look at them any longer I looked away.

I couldn't help but feel bad for Christian. He had to witness both of them.

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