Chapter 39

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Chapter 39

Christian decided to walk me home, just to be safe and I was grateful for that.

Not to mention I didn't know if I was going to have another mental breakdown after everything that happened.

It was already past 12:30am. I just hoped that my dad wasn't still at the house. I don't know if I was ready to talk to him, but I'm going to have to face him sooner or later. Now it's going to be more difficult to ignore him.

Finally reaching the front door of my house the light was on and my mom's car was parked in the driveway.

She was home, I wonder if Jason updated her on the current evemts.

"Thanks, Christian, for walking me home."

"It's not a big deal, you're sure that you're, ok?" Adding.

"You don't want me to go up with you?"

"Thanks, but I need to deal with this on my own."

We said our goodbyes and he started to walk back to his house.

Reaching for the door I unlocked it with the spare key that my mom kept in a flower pot, near the front door.

I could hear mom and dad talking.

So, my dad was still here.

"Amanda, we should have just been honest with her about us. Now she wants nothing to do with me."

"Peter, I already told her, people change, and I don't know why she doesn't see that. Love sometimes fades away I don't speak badly about you or Beatriz."

"To be honest Peter, I'm happy you found someone, I am. I'm glad that I no longer must feel guilty for being at work for so long. I can go on by business trips and not have to worry about you, I don't I have to worry about us." I could hear the gentleness in her voice. "How is Beatriz by the way?"

"She is good at home with her kids." He stated.

"That's another thing that we need to talk about, Emma's relationship with Damien."

"She told you about her boyfriend?"

That's when I decided to make myself known.

"Hi." I said letting them know that I was in the same room as them.

"Emma." My mom walked towards me. "What is going on? Please tell me."

And I did I told her everything that happened.

From Chase to Damien, just fyi's I left out the whole part of him being my stepbrother; we can talk about that later. From Brandon and the café shop. And how I feel about it now.

"We need to place charges on that Brandon kid." Dad said in a firm voice.

"I don't want to, I think he is very confused and needs help, can you get him help please dad. Use your connections please." He nodded his head as he let out a sigh.

Dad started rubbing his temple, "Don't think that we don't need to talk about this whole you and Damien situation, you're not going to just sweep that under the rug."

"What about him? I told her already that she needs to be careful, and I don't want him sleeping over the house too often." My mom said before I even had a chance to talk about it.

"He slept over the house?" Dad said with surprise in his voice.

"Damien is Beatriz's Son Amanda."

"What?" confusion lacing on my mom's face.

"I didn't know either, we all didn't know, dad didn't know I was his girlfriend, and I didn't know that Damien was his stepson." I spoke.

"Well, that is something to talk about." My mom just added.

"Yes, and I don't want you both sleeping over each other's house, let alone in the same room. Emma you are more than welcomed to say at the house but not in the same room as Damien. I am not going to keep you both apart, even though a part of me is telling me that I should." Dad signed as he said that slouching on the couch pushing his glasses upward, his hair looked like a complete mess, like he had been running his fingers through his hair. "And believe me I am still going to talk to him too."

"I agree." Mom added.

I just sat there shaking my head that I agreed as well.

"Can I got to bed; I feel like I took a lot in today."

I said good night to them both. But not before adding.

"Ill see you later dad?"

He looked up at me, surprised, I think. "We'll have lunch princess."

I proceeded to go up to my room. I dropped myself on my bed. I was tired, more mentally than physically.

Was I going to pursue my relationship with Damien?

Both my parents seemed ok with it, pretty weird though.

I reached for my phone.

10 text messages

6 missed calls


I'm home.

Not a minute when by when I felt my phone vibrate.

Are you ok, what happened?

I'm fine just tired. This is all weird, no? My dad is with your mom.

Yeah it is, I didn't know though Emma and neither did my mom, I had told her everything. I needed to know if she knew.



I don't want to lose you when I just got you.

I'm not going anywhere. 

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