Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

It has been a whole week since the bonfire.

A whole week since Damien and I kissed.

I had still been tutoring him every day after school and he didn't even bring up the kiss. Again, he didn't even bother to touch me or to even try to kiss me again.

He was playing a game with me. Hot and cold.

I didn't bother bringing anything either. It was obviously a mistake. I was just glad that no one had seen us, and word didn't get back to Chase.

Chase was away with his family for the weekend, his dad had some sort of business trip and took the family with him.

Trust me this didn't sit well with Chase; the man has been texting me and calling me nonstop and so far he has only been gone for 12 hours.

"Hey Em." Christian knocked on my already open door to break me from my thoughts. I had been sitting on the edge of my bed thinking about Damien and Chase.

"Hey Christian, what's up?"

"Your mom let me in, just wanted to see how you were."

"I'm good." I furrowed my eyebrows at him.

"Come on Emma, you use to tell me everything. And lately it's like you have been keeping everything in."

"Can you keep a secret?"

"Emma come on its me who am I going to tell."

I told him everything. I told him about Damien's and mines first encounter together. How he told me what Maggie did. How Jason had been and has been trying to keep him and me apart. I told him how guilty I felt doing what I am doing to Chase. I told him how Damien and I kissed, about every single time.

"So, you got your belly pierced? "

"Really Christian after everything I told you, that's the information that you absorbed?"

"Ok, ok sorry. But Emma it's seems to me that you like Damien more. I think you should end things with Chase before he finds out and kills Damien."

"He won't kill him, would he?" I looked at him.

"Emma the guy tried to rip my head off for touching you." He dead panned. "But whatever you decide to do is your choice."

"Yeah, I know." I looked down at my fingers as I played with the hem of my shirt.

"Now as for Maggie, I think that you better get things straightened out with her, you have known her for like what 10 years now."

"Yeah, I know, I need to talk to her. To clear things up." We sat in a comfortable silence for a couple of more minutes before my phone started vibrating.

"It must be Chase; he has been calling and texting nonstop." I smiled at Christian.

"It's fine I just came to see how you were doing, I'll catch you later." He gave me half a hug before standing up and walking out of my bedroom door.

After he was gone, I reached for my phone to see what the text message said. Surprisingly it wasn't form Chase.

Damien- meet me outside in 20.

The guy hadn't even talked to me all week and now all of a sudden, he expects me to meet him outside.

Getting up from my bed I went to my closet and pulled out a long sleeve black shirt, I pulled my black hoodie over my head and slipped on some black tights. Reaching down to where my shoes were placed, I grabbed my classic black high-top converse and walked out of my room closing the door behind me.

Jason and mom weren't home. Mom was at work, and Jason said that he was going to be out all weekend, I wonder what for?

I made my way down the stairs shoving my phone and keys into the front pocket of my hoodie, walking out the front door and slamming it closed as I stepped out.

I knew Damien would be around the corner, the same place where our meeting began and end.

There was no pint in hiding that I was going out since Chase wasn't here to peek out his window to see if I leave my house. I walked down the sidewalk, after walking past 3 neighboring homes I turned at the end of the street.

Damien still wasn't there. I knew though that it wouldn't be long before I heard his motorcycle turning the corner of the street.

Only it never came.

I looked down at my phone and 25 minutes had already passed. I was about to go back home when a black jeep turned the corner and honked the horn to get my attention.

Damien was behind the wheel. He stopped and parked the car right in front of me. Leaning over the passenger seat he smiled at me. "I got a car just for you."

It looked like it was brand new. It wasn't covered up though, the whole jeep was wide open. It was still dangerous.

"You really bought a car." I looked at him. "This is just as rugged and dangerous as your motors cycle." I leaned in the passenger door and smiled at Damien.

"And yet you love it."

It was true I grew to love being behind Damien on his motorcycle, having the wind blowing in my face.

He stepped out of his car and walked around to where I was standing. He leaned against his car and pulled out a cigarette placed it in his mouth and lit it. I pulled away from where I was resting my head in the passenger side of the door and walked towards Damien so that I was standing right in front of him.

"So why did you want me to meet you out here, so you can show me your new car?" I raised my eyebrow at him.

He let out a breath of smoke as he chuckled. "That, and well I wanted to see you." He reached to the back of his neck and rubbed it, a habit of his that he would do when he was nervous.

"Come on let's go." He flicked the bud of his cigarette from his fingers onto the sidewalk and placed his arm around my shoulders. Opening the passenger door and helped me to get into his car.

"Where are we going?" I asked him as he sat down in the driver's seat and started the engine of the car.

"It's a surprise." A smirk plastered on his face as he started driving onto the road.

We had been driving for about 30 minutes already and I couldn't get Damien to tell me where we were going, I hated surprises. But what surprised me the most was the fact that after I stopped asking him over and over where it was that we were headed to he reached for my hand. "Just trust me." And I did.

We reached a part of town that was more rugged, a place where crime rate was high, and drug dealing was known. He stopped in front of a rundown building.

"That was where mom, my sister Eli and I lived." Damien broke the silence. I looked at him and then I looked at the building. No one lived there anymore. It was getting demolished in 2 months. "It was all my mom could afford." He whispered.

"Oh Damien." I gave his hand a squeeze trying to tell him that everything was ok.

"Why are we here though what happened." He looked at me with sad eyes.

"My dad called me." He whispered.

"What happened, what did he call you?"

"The man that abandoned me, that abandoned my mom and sister he is dying. He has stage 4 cancer, leukemia."

"Oh my god Damien I am so sorry." I reached over to hug him, I wanted nothing more than to comfort him to tell him that everything was going to be alright, even though it was a lie.

"I found out the night of the bonfire, I wanted to tell you. Instead, I pushed you away." His voice sounded hoarse, as if he was holding back tears, tears that he should have shed many years ago.

"It's ok to cry." I rubbed the back of his head as I whispered sweet nothing into his ear, and he did.

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