Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

This would be the first time meeting a guy's mom. The same mom that caught me sneaking out of her house after her son and I had just finished doing the nasty.

Yeah, I'm a not nerve wrecking at all.

Fuck my life!

I could feel my heartbeat speeding up as Damien opened the gate to enter the driveway of his home. He parked his bike next to his black jeep. He slipped his leg over his bike and stood next to me as I carefully took off my helmet before sliding off his bike.

My hands were starting to feel clammy; I could feel my hands beginning to shake. The sound of my heartbeat was ringing in my ears.

"Emma, calm down. Don't over think this, my mom is going to love you."

How was I not going to over think this! She probably thought that I was a floosy, someone that was easy. The kind of girl that Damien use to go out with, the kind that didn't care about themselves. I needed to prove to her that I wasn't one of those girls. That I did in fact care about Damien, that it meant something when we made love, because that's what it was, making love. It wasn't a one-night stand, it wasn't something that was meant to be forgotten no, it was more than that. It was something that I would remember forever.

"I hope you're right." That was the only answer that I could come up with to give Damien.

I needed my body, brain and heart to calm down, I needed them to get their shit together because my body was becoming a nervous wreck.

Suddenly I felt Damien's hand on mine, as he carefully and calmly pulled me towards the direction of his front door. Lifting my hand, he gave it a light kiss. I instantly felt my heart melt, my knees came weak and for a nano second, I forgot how to walk. He gave me his million-dollar smile; the same smile that always made me feel like everything was going to be just fine, that I should trust him.

"Mom, I'm home!" his voice echoed through the house.

"Damien!" the same girl that had greeted me a few weeks ago came into our view. Her dark hair was in a bun, and she was wearing a ballerina outfit.

"Eli, where is mom?" he kneeled down so that he could be her height. She eyed me and smiled before she answered Damien's question.

"She's changing; I'll go get her." She chirped, as she skipped up the stairs.

Her energy seemed different from the last time that I was here. Maybe she was just being shy.

"Come on." Damien tugged on my hand as he started walking towards the direction of a white door.

It was the kitchen. His home was really something, compared to the run-down apartments that he had showed me; that he had once lived in.

He released my hand and walked over to the stainless-steel refrigerator pulling out 2 Gatorades. I couldn't help but eye him, he smiled more around me now. His smile was beautiful. I could stare at it forever.

"Why are you staring at me, come here." He chuckled.

With a sheepish smile I slowly walked towards him. He handed me the red Gatorade that he held in his hand.

"I was just looking at your smile, it's nice." I said to him answering his question.

"Is it now?" he chuckled. Suddenly I was backed up onto the center island in the kitchen. Both his hands were on either side of me. Caging me in. suddenly I felt his hands on my waist, but the most shocking part was when he lifted me up, sitting me on the island I was almost to his height. Again, he placed both hands on either side of me, as a mischievous smile played on his face. Suddenly I felt him slip himself in between my legs.

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