Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

Damien and I talked on the phone as soon as I got home from school every day. We hadn't seen each other for the past 2 days he hadn't been to school either, I'm glad though with the way that Chase Was acting I wouldn't want them to get in each other's way and end up fighting.

Of course, I wasn't going to tell him how much of an ass Chase turned out to be. Damien had been spending most of his time with his dad, I couldn't be selfish and tell him my problems, when he already sees me to have so much on his plate.

Chase had gone on a rampage trying to break me left and right.

He even stooped as low as to involve Maggie in this, and I can't believe she fell for it. What hurt more was that I thought she really was my friend.

I learned I was wrong when I walked over to our lunch table and saw Chase's arm around her shoulder, and she was tantalizing in all the attention. Even Christian agreed with me that she went too far this time. It was the first time I saw real disgust on his face as he recalled the way that Maggie was acting.

I had told Damien about it; we both agreed it was disgusting.

They can have each other.

But thank goodness it was Friday night already; I could just stay home and relax and not worry about seeing them for at least 2 days. Him pretending that he was really into Maggie, and her acting as if she was better than me.

She hadn't even tried to explain anything to me. She acted as if we were never friends to begin with, all because of Chase and Damien.

Laying on my bed watching Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, I was starting to dose off.

My mom wasn't going to be home until Monday, I was all alone. Jason had told me that he had a date with Karla. I was glad that they were still together and that she didn't let Chase and mines dysfunctions get in the way between the two.

Whenever she came over, she would give me a smile and ask how I was doing, never once bringing up Chase, or asking why things ended so abruptly.

I felt my phone vibrate from under my pillow.

Damien - hey what's up??

I couldn't help the goofy smile that was suddenly playing on my lips at seeing his name on my phone.

Watching Harry Potter, you?

Damien- how Hairy is he?

Ha-ha that was lame.

Damien- I want to see you?

I bit my lip; butterflies we're going wild in my stomach. I couldn't deny that I wanted to see him too.

We hadn't been intimate with each other since I lost my virginity to him, and he hadn't brought it up either.

It was undeniable that I needed him, and deep down I hoped that he wanted me too.

Come over.

No response from him. I waited and looked at my phone, maybe he got busy and started doing something else. I cuddled deeper under my blanket.

When my eyes were just about growing heavy, I heard Damien's unmistakable motorcycle roaring outside my house. I knew it was him it had to be him.

Pushing the blanket off of me, I rushed downstairs. Not caring that I was barely wearing anything, that I was just in a crop top and booty shorts.

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