Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

It took about 2 hours so that Damien could get his tattoo tatted on, he added a black widow crawling on the top of the skull, the same skull that Chase Nelson and he had tatted on.

"So let me see." He said eagerly as we walked out of the tattoo shop.

"See what?" I tilted my head to the side trying to hold back a smile. I lifted my shirt up halfway and showed him my hello kitty belly ring. "Now that's hot."

"Shut up." I laughed.

"We should go to the beach one of these days." He smiled. Damien was smiling, like smiling with me.

The beach, it sounds like a good idea. But that's all it will ever be an idea. I am with Chase; I am his girlfriend. And it's completely wrong that I am out here with Damien.

"Hey what's wrong?" Damien stopped and he stood in front of me, lifting my chin with his finger so that I could look at him. My eyebrows furrowing.

"You know I can't, even though I want to I can't. You know I am with...."

"Chase, yeah I know."

"Take me home please."

"Emma, I don't care at this point, damn it! Don't you understand when I'm not with you all I can think about is you. You have invaded my mind, my thoughts."

"It's wrong what we are doing, and you know that Damien. He already told me what you did with his last girlfriend." I looked away, glancing at the sidewalk. Seeing a dandelion being blown away by the wind.

"What did he tell you?" Confusion written on his face.

"He told me how his girlfriend cheated on him with you, that you two slept together." Almost whispering the last part, I let the words slip out of my mouth instantly regretting it.

"And you believe him." The way that he said it wasn't formed as a question, no it was formed as a fact.

"I don't know, did you?"

"Emma he was my best friend, my boy. I had his back. No, I didn't. That night his girlfriend was at a party she was drunk out of her mind. Chase had no idea she was there they had just gotten in a fight I took her up to a room and put her to bed but ended up falling asleep. Chase found us in the morning. I tried telling him that I would never do anything like that, but he refused to believe me."

He was telling me the truth; I knew he was. His eyes were nothing but sincere, don't ask why I trusted him, but I did.

"Come on I'll take you home."

Damien walked in front of me, I followed behind him hugging myself with my arms.

Damien stopped his bike around the block, the same place where he picked me up. Taking off the helmet I got off the bike.

"Emma, I don't want to be that person, I don't want to drop you off around the corner, so your boyfriend doesn't see us. Emma, I want to be with you."

"It's not that simple Damien, I have told you that. Chase is a good guy; I can't keep doing this to him." I Pointed between me and him. I let out a sob.

"Here." I handed him the helmet.

"No, I bought it for you, keep it."

I watched as he drove away, standing alone holding the helmet in my hand. This was all too familiar watching Damien driving away from me, the feeling of not being able to breathe right.

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