Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

Chase POV

Damien never left last night; I watched Emma's house closely. I hadn't slept. How could she do this to me. I never thought that she would do me wrong like that.

They are all the same. A part of me knew that Damien would want her, that he would Pursue her. Since the day at the party that he saw that she was with me, I knew that he still wanted her. The mutt has always wanted what I have had and finally I had something that he had wanted for so long. The best part was that I knew he couldn't stand it.

Worst part of all this I must look at her at school every day. Just thinking about the both of them in that bed makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

And what I was regretting the most was going along with Maggie's plan. What the fuck was I thinking. That wasn't going to make her come back to me. Now I can't get that bitch off my back. She keeps calling me, telling everyone how we hooked up. What a fucken lie.

I never wanted anything more than to have Emma here with me. I fucken love her and I fucked up. I should have never started this whole thing off revenge.

Hearing the doorbell ring I got up from the couch in the dark living room and opened the door.

"Hey man is that Damien's bike over there?"


"Don't fucken remind me, I might just go over there and kick the fucken door down and beat the shit out of the prick."

"What happened?"

"She left me, she left me for that piece of trash." I pointed as if the mutt was in the same room that Nelson and I were in. I couldn't stand it anymore. I couldn't stand the fact that he had her.

"So, she finally made up her mind I see."

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean Nelson, that she finally made up her mind?"

"What I am trying to say is that she was confused, she has had all her decisions made for her. She is finally doing what she wants."


Emma has always gotten what I have wanted without even trying. She always acts like she is better than everyone else.

When I found out that her perfect life was finally crumbling down, I couldn't have felt happier.

When her parents had finally gotten divorced, it made butterflies flutter in my stomach. Perfect Emma wasn't perfect anymore.

But what happens, her dad is trying to win her back. And she still doesn't appreciate that her dad got her a car. Oh, I hate my dad he left me.

Some people don't have it as easy as her.

I only had my mom growing up. And she could barely make ends meet. I have had to work hard for everything that I have now.

I had a crush on Damien. But as always, he wanted Emma. The untouchable girl. Every guy wanted to be with her, and she had no clue.

Jason made sure that every guy stayed away from her. That just made them want her more.

I wanted Damien. And for a moment I finally had him. But he was never truly over Emma. He didn't love me. I hated that he left me though just because I hooked up with Matt.

And now Emma had this gorgeous guy, she had Chase following her like a lost puppy and what does she fucken do, she cheats on him with who other than Damien. The bitch new I loved him, and she still went after him.

She couldn't Even appreciate what she had. It has always been easy for her.

Well guess what, now I have Chase. Now everyone knows how much of a bitch she really is. I'm glad I wrote that on her locker, she deserved it, that way everyone could see that she wasn't so innocent. She wasn't perfect. She's not better than me.

Even with our friends. Christian was always drawn to her even though he had a crush on me for the longest time. He would always be loyal to her just like how he is loyal to her now. I hated it when Christian was finally trying to move on from me, I had to get rid of Jennifer. It was simple too, I just told her that she was too childish for him, that he was using her.

The look on her face was priceless.

Just like how Chase was going out with Nicole our sophomore year, I hated that she was with him. I hated that I didn't have that. I remember seeing them at parties together how in love he looked. It was disgusting.

I got her drunk that night she told me how she and Chase had gotten in a fight, I called Chase that morning from her cell that I took from her. The slut didn't deserve to be with him either, going upstairs with Damien.

"Maggie, can you watch your sister I have a late shift at the hospital tonight." My mom peeked her head into my room.

"Sure mom."


Could I be any happier?

Mom agreed to give Damien a chance. Now all I must do it try and get Jason on board with all this.

I know it's not going to be easy, but I must try.

"So, what should we do today?" The air around us was beautiful. We were in the middle of winter in California.

"How about you come over and meet my mom, she has been nagging me to bring you."

Meet his mom? After her witnessing me sneaking out of her house.

"She doesn't think bad about me?" Why wouldn't she right?

"I already told you that she doesn't. She is not an uptight mom. It'll just me my mom and sister Eli, my stepdad is away on business."

"Ok, let me change and I'll be out in a couple of minutes ok."

I had only met Chases mom that one time that she came over for dinner. And I've only been to his house 2 times. I had never officially met his mom as his girlfriend. I wonder if he ever told her that we were a couple? Walking up the stairs to my bedroom I changed quickly.

I decided on a plain yellow skater skirt, and a floral blouse with my black flats.

Layering in a coat of mascara, I looked myself over in the mirror before heading downstairs.

Jason hadn't come home last night and I was glad.

Damien was fidgeting with something on his bike when I stepped out.

I held the helmet that Damien had given me under my arm.

"Ready to go?"

He lifted his head, turning around he stared at me openly.


"If we weren't in your front yard, I would have taken you right here right now."

"Shut up." My face was crimson red, and I couldn't hide it.

"Come, let's go."

I made sure to slide my leg over his bike without flashing him.

"I've never brought a girl home to meet my mom."

Butterflies erupted in the pit of my stomach. I was excited to be his first.

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