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Walking into the kitchen I watch as my mother chops away at vegetables and stirs at pots on the stove, while running around like a headless chicken.

"Mama, are you okay?" I ask, crossing my arms over my chest.

"The Marchisio's are coming over for dinner so I'm making all of the food." She quickly stirs one of the pots and chops a few more vegetables.

"Let me help you." I say and walk over and take the knife from her and start chopping up the vegetables.

"Thank you darling."

"So who is all coming tonight?" I ask.

"Anna, Paolo, Elena and her husband Antonio and Claudio too." My mother answers making me nod.

"Do I have to dress nice?" I ask. I wasn't feeling very good, I really just wanted to go back to bed.

"Yes Roma." My mother doesn't even look over at me, just keeps stirring the pots peacefully.

"Okay," I sigh and pour the chopped up vegetables into the soup pot and the my mother asks me to make her some cake mixture for her. While making the cake mixture, I sneezed at least eight times in the few minutes of making the mixture and once I was done my mother told me to go back to bed to try and get better again.

"Are you sure Mama, don't you need help?" I ask, knowing that my brothers will not help her at all.

"No darling. Go to bed and get rest for the rest of tonight." She says and kisses my head before I go back upstairs and go to sleep.


"Roma, you'll need to get up if you want to get ready for tonight." Giovanni knocks on my room door so I groan in an answer and get up from my bed.

I go into my wardrobe and pick out a white button up shirt and a flowery pink skirt with some pink high heels.

I shower and do my hair in some easy curls. I keep my makeup simple with just some mascara and blusher on my cheeks.

"Roma! My hair isn't sitting right!" Mario's scream echoes through the house as I pull up my skirt.

"Two minutes." I shout as I fix my skirt and shoes before going into his room and look at him as he stares at his mirror.

"Help me please." He pouts making me laugh and sit him down on his bed and fix his hair for him and smile once I've finished.

"There you go." I say.

"Thanks." He smiled and then goes back to getting ready and I leave.

I do my make up in my bathroom and the go down stairs to decorate the cake in some icing and decorations.

As I finish my cake decorating, the doorbell goes.

"Roma will you get that!" I hear my mother shout from upstairs so I put down my knife into the sink and the walk quickly to the door with a smile on my face.

"Hello." I smile as I open the door to the beautiful Marchisio family. All of them are smiling wide with their gorgeous eyes.

"Hello Roma." Anna exclaims and kisses my cheek before walking into the house.

"You look beautiful Roma." Paolo smiles and kisses my cheek before going to meet my brothers in the living room.

Elena and Antonio smile at me as they walk in, holding some flowers.

And last to come in in the man himself; Claudio Marchisio.

"My brother may be stupid at times, but what he said about you was right; you do look beautiful Roma." Claudio smiles and leans forward and kisses my cheek slowly making a shiver wave over my body.

La Casa Nostra (Claudio Marchisio AU)Where stories live. Discover now