Chapter One: He's from Teiko Middle School?!

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                                                                Buzz buzz bu-

        The phone buzzed on the bed until it was turned off. A figure was curled up in the middle of the bed and under the blankets. "Hm.." The person groaned softly as he shifted out from under the blankets with his hair wrapped around him and rather frizzy. Bed hair, he always hated that but he loved his hair so he dealt with it. Haru started to drag himself to the bathroom, turning the water on so it would warm up while he got undressed. The male grabbed his brushed before hopping in the shower. It was easier to brush his hair while he was in the shower. After getting washed up and his hair brushed, the black hair male got out and dried himself off. His hair being the last thing he dried, getting dressed in a rather normal outfit he stifled a yawn. He would leave his hair down for today.

        His outfit? Well it was interesting to say the least, and not the school uniform. Why did he have to wear that? Plus, he didn't start until tomorrow. Today he was just going to be having a tour around the school. A personal tour, like hell he was going to let someone else show him around the school! Back to his outfit, it is a Arabic keffiyeh scarf around his neck with a small black T-Shirt under it, and half of an Arabic thawb only covering from his waist to his ankle, along with other accessories. ( I believe it's all called that... Any who what he's wearing in the picture. ) He looked one last time in the mirror before deciding to head to the school, locking the door behind him. Having his phone securely in his hand he started to head to the school, following the instructions he had on his phone to get there.

        Soon enough he was staring at Seirin High, which was exciting because he heard they had some interesting basketball players! Ignoring all the looks and whispers he started to walk around and taking in the details of the school in. Hm, it was in pretty good shape not as good as Teiko Middle School, but that was simply because he hasn't started attending this school yet. While classes went on he went to the office and got his uniform and schedule- along with a map layout of the school. Once he had that he left the office and started to head to the gym that held the basketball club. At the moment it was being used for gym so he laid down on the bench and waited for the basketball club to get there. Ignoring the teacher and holding his pass to roam around the school. That shut the teacher up pretty quickly.

        He ended up falling asleep and curled up on the bench some, his hair draping his body like a blanket. "Why is there a girl in here?" Someone with a cat looking smile asked from across the gym. That same male started to hurry over to him, poking Haru a few times to wake him up. Of course he was thinking it was a girl because of his hair. Riko smacked the player in the head and told him to go change before she poked Haru also. "Chick you need to leave." A tall guy said as he picked Haru up by the little fabric he had over his chest. "Kagami put her down!" Riko said before the guys noticed how little of the clothing 'she' had over her chest. Whispers started about how Kagami was a pervert and he tried to defend his ground but the person woke up.

        Haru didn't like how he was being handled of course, but he just shifted his head some and glared at the male. "Put me down." He said darkly before he felt his top being gripped more. "I don't like your attitude." Kagami responded pulling him closer to his face. The others tried calming him down, telling him not to hit a girl. "Girl? I'm a guy." Haru clearly stated and looked at the other's shocked faces until he spotted the light blue hair male. "Tetsuya!" He said happily as he slipped out of the shocked male's grip and headed over to him hugging him. The other members jumped when they saw Kuroko, when had he gotten there? "Fukui-Kun, you're suppose to be in America." Kuroko bluntly said watching the male slouch on him some.

        "Blunt as ever." Haru muttered before he smiled and stood up as he stretched some pushing his hair behind his shoulders so he could show the guys that he was indeed a guy. "Well, I was able to come back, and I'll be attending this school from now on." He said simply as he shrugged his shoulders some before smiling happily at the expressionless male next to him. The light blue hair male slightly looked up and nodded some. "You grew taller, and your hair got longer." He pointed out making Haru stand up straight and look at the male. Ah, that's right he grew taller while he was gone making him two centimeters taller than Kuroko now! The female coach cleared her throat and looked at the two of them. "Now is not the time to chit-chat, Kuroko hurry up and start practice after you tell us how you know this guy." She said standing there with a serious look.

        The other club members listening in closely so the could let their curiosity could be quieted. "Fukui-Kun went to Teiko Middle school with me, he played basketball too." He said making everyone stop and look at the two. Was Kuroko joking? Then again could he even make a joke? "He couldn't have been a regular." Kagami said before the captain nodded his head lightly. "Of course not. Right Fukui-kun?" Hyuuga asked before Haru looked at him with a straight face. "I played in matches though..." He said before the captain nodded his head. "See just what... huh?" He asked before everyone looked at them. "Eh? ...Eh!? EEEH!?" They yelled looking at Haru and Kuroko for answers. Kuroko nodded his head yes lightly. "He played until he moved to America." Kuroko informed them before the rest blinked a few times trying to push the feeling of Deja-Vu away.

        Hasn't something like that happen before? "Then why didn't reporters write a report about you then?" The coach asked since she's never seen him in a magazine before. Haru looked at her and smiled lightly as he held up two fingers. "One I left for America, and two they always thought I was a girl and didn't believe I was on the team." He chuckled before the club members dropped their head some. 'I can see why.' Ran through all their heads. It was still a bit of a surprise for everyone to hear that this guy was from Teiko, yet none of them- besides Kuroko, has heard on him.

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