Chapter Two: Kagami's Challenge!

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        "So he's one of the Generation of Miracles? That means he's strong, correct?" One of the members spoke up looking at them with a rather smug smile. Haru's gaze shifted to the red hair male, his curiosity peaked at this guy's question. Well more like that look he was giving him, did this guy have a thing for the Generation of Miracles? When Haru looked up he noticed just how tall the male was, he was so tall! "He is, and he would beat you right away." Kuroko said when he noticed Haru wasn't answering Kagami's question. No instead they had a stare off, then a glare off, and once again Kagami had Haru by the little bit of clothing over his chest and up off the ground. "From the looks of it I can probably take him down in no time." He said glaring at the shorter male, who glared right back and just as scary. 

        Kuroko watched them and started to head over to the basketball, waiting for Kagami to let down Haru so they could get to practice. Winter cup was coming up soon, and they needed to practice as much as they could so they would be able to beat Aomine. "As if someone like you could beat me in basketball." Haru scoffed as he glared right back at him. No way would he lose to someone as cocky as this guy. His own hand reached up and grabbed Kagami's collar and yanked him closer, even if he was still being lifted off the ground. "You wouldn't even be able to be dirt on my shoes." Haru added before Kagami suddenly let him go, his eyes making their way to Kuroko who just jabbed the tall male in the side. "Kagami-Kun you get too excited when there are strong players around." Such a blunt guy he was, but that was one of the things Haru liked about him.

        He was always truthful, and he spoke his mind- when people actually noticed him there. The long hair male shifted his gaze to Kuroko as he started to catch his balance. This male really wanted to play against him, well he did seem to gain Kuroko's respect. A smirk formed on Haru's face as that thought formed in his mind. "Tetsuya, I actually want to play this guy to see just how well he is." Haru said using Kuroko's first name, a smirk growing as he looked at his light blue friend. Kuroko just looked back at him before he looked at Kagami. "You caught his interest." Kuroko stated before seeing the two glaring at each other with a smile on their face. After a moment or two Haru turned around and started to walk to the doors to leave the gym.

        "Hey! Where are you going?! I thought you said you wanted to play!" Kagami yelled grabbing Haru's arm. However the male seemed to have been... at the gym doors already, looking back at them. "My hair's not pinned, I won't play without it being pulled up correctly." He said stretching his arms some. He really did want to play this guy, but he didn't want his hair getting in his way while he played also so... Haru would step down for now. Kagami seemed to gain a few anime veins on his head as he stared down the male. "Then get your hair up!" He said as the others held him back. Kuroko started to bounce a basketball and looked at them. "You can play Fuiki-Kun later, right now we'll start practice." He said bluntly as he tossed the ball to the other member of the Generation of Miracles. 

        Haru just smirked as he bounced the ball a few times. "Anytime anywhere." He said as he locked eyes with the taller male- even if he had to look up to do so. The hothead didn't let his excitement fade, instead he stood up straight and nodded his head. "Tomorrow, here, right after school." Kagami said before a female hit them all. "It's time to practice!" She yelled watching them all. Haru slipped out of the gym and smiled to himself. He was actually a bit excited with the arrangements himself. Now he could have some practice with the ball that Kuroko threw to him- of course the gym had other balls so he didn't think that they would have minded. Bouncing the ball as he walked his gaze shifted around the school, he would have fun here that's for sure.

        His tour was done, so now to go to the park to practice basketball in. Shifting some he started dribbling the ball, shooting the hoops. That was all he did while his hair was done, shoot 3-pointers and if they weren't a 3-pointer then they were weird angle shots. It was something like Aomine's shooting but his was more of dealing with people blocking him. His gaze on the hoop most of the time before he decided that he had enough practice with that for now. Brushing his hair behind his shoulder, a soft chuckle left his lips. He was sure that tomorrow would be a fun day that's for sure. Spinning the ball on his finger he started to walk down the road to go home, as he did so he passed a certain blond. By the time it processed through the blonde's brain and turned around the long hair male was already gone out of sight.

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