Chapter Five: The Day of the Challenge: Part Three.

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       Kuroko seemed to be watching them both, but most of the students that were watching the one-on-one game were cheering on Kagami; talking about how the new student was over his head, and that there was no way he'd win against Kagami. "There's no way the new student can even score against Kagami-Kun if he doesn't even jump for the ball." Koganei murmured to the other players. "Just watch, don't let Fukui-Kun fool you." Kuroko said rather sternly as he watched the game start. Haru smirked at that, so Tetsuya was actually getting upset that they were underestimating him? The other members of the basketball club looked at Kuroko a bit surprise. The bluette didn't have a sense of humor, so he wasn't kidding at all. The club fell quiet and started to watch the two play. Kagami charging at the basket like always, a dunk huh? Haru marked him and made sure his arms weren't so far from his body. 
        "You shouldn't be too cocky, it'll be the downfall of you." He said softly as he followed Kagami. It wasn't as if he would pass so easy, but he was surprised at how fast he was able to get by but... Haru tapped his fingers on the ball and pushed it off to the side. "It's out!" A few people yelled, but the ball didn't get out. Instead of bouncing out, it bounced back towards the center. A soft chuckle left Haru's lips as he got the ball and headed to his own basket. The red head seemed to be able to keep up with Haru. "Just because you have a trick up your sleeves doesn't mean you'll win!" Kagami fumed as he blocked the goal from Haru. Haru shifted slightly and headed to the left, but then the right when he noticed the male move. "That won't work on me." The red head added as he moved the other way, before hearing the ball in the basket and bounce on the ground.
        "E-eh?!" The students yelled, Haru smirked standing behind Kagami. His gaze slowly shifted to the figure that was behind him. "You shouldn't lose sight of your opponent." He chuckled before dribbling the ball towards the center and turning around. Setting up for a three-pointer he tossed the ball straight up as he shifted away from Kagami. While the ball was up in the air he started setting up again for the three-pointer, the ball landing perfectly in his hand as he went to shoot it. "Didn't think Shintaro- erm Midorima-Kun is the only one that can shoot three-pointers in the Generation of Miracles did you?" Haru asked watching Kagami jump for the ball. His gaze shifted to Kuroko as the ball went in. The new student stood there staring at Tetsuya for a few seconds before looking away. 
        "Your light is holding back, or is he a tiny light compared to Aomine-Kun?" Haru asked a bit irritated that he was expecting so much out of this guy. Though when laughter started to ring through his ears he turned to look at Kagami-Kun. Hm? Watching him cover his face slightly made a bit of curiosity show itself. This guy really was holding back wasn't he? "You're actually pretty strong." Kagami started as he calmed his laughter and started to dribble the ball some. "I'll block you by the end of this." He stated as he headed towards his goal. Haru barely had time to glance at Kuroko before he had to react to the male. Coming to a stop in front of the male he jumped at the same time as Kagami, it was a dunk so all he had to do was block the bal- 'H-huh, we jumped at the same time... but why am I falling first?!' Haru thought as he started to be pulled down by gravity.
        As soon as his feet touched the ground, Kagami dunked the ball. So he really was the one to pry the gates open? No, it was too soon to conclude that. It was probably just a fluke anyways, taking the ball he quickly headed towards his goal. It would not be just a three-point difference! Once Kagami marked him he shifted to the side, then the other side, before he shot. "How..." Kagami hissed as he turned around to look at Haru. Haru brushed the fluke goal off and passed the ball to Kagami. What if it wasn't a fluke? Better to test that out first. Again Haru jumped when Kagami did, and once more he touched the ground first and the male made the dunk. "Looks like you were holding back on me." Haru muttered before stretching his arms with a smirk on his face.
        "However if that's all you have I won't even need to be completely serious to beat you." Haru said as he looked over to Tetsuya. "You have an interesting light, but he's still growing." With that he started dribbling the ball looking at Kagami before the score. Just a three-point different huh? Heading to the middle he turned around and shot the ball. When it went in he let the ball roll out and looked at Kagami. "There now our score is even." Haru said as he looked at the people who seemed confused to why he shot the ball into Kagami's basket instead of his own. "But from here on you won't be making a goal." He said softly as he passed the male, watching as Tetsuya handed Kagami the ball. When he started dribbling he stayed where he was, a soft sigh escaping his lips as he tapped the ball towards the side once more. This time he ran to the ball and started to dribble it as he headed for the basket.
        "I won't let you!" Kagami hissed as he went to block the ball, but noticed too late that he wasn't taking the shot. Instead Haru started heading back to the center and shot a three-pointer. As soon as he shot it he ran towards the basket and jumped before Kagami. Both hands on the ball, one was Haru's trying to get it in, while the other was Kagami's trying to prevent that. "A bit too weak." Haru hissed as he forced the ball into the basket. Landing on the ground he looked at Kagami before he headed out to start that game. Time flew by and before they knew it the first ten minutes were up. The score was 21 to 7, in Fukui's favor, heading to the bench he sat down and watched as Tetsuya spoke to Kagami. This new light of his was actually pretty interesting.
        Then again he would just crush him, he wouldn't see another goal in this mini-match. When Kuroko finally came over to him and offered him water he ignored him all together. If he was going to wait until they had less then a minute left before the game started up again to come talk to him, then he would just ignore the male all together. "Fukui-k-" Kuroko started before Haru stood up and headed onto the court and grabbed the ball dribbling it some. "Break time is over, time to play." The coach said as she held her hand out for the ball that Haru had. The male just tossed it to her and made it to the center and watched as Kagami watched the ball determined to get it. He watched the male jump and he stayed were he was before he felt him pass him.
        "It's getting boring." Haru stated before back tipping the ball out of the male's hand and stole the ball. Running to his basket he watched it and noticed Kagami marked him once more. He wasn't going to stop him anyways so he would do like he always did. Going to the left then the right before he shot, however Kagami jumped and grabbed the ball just before it went in. "Don't underestimate me!" Kagami hissed before heading across the court. He blocked it, how could he po- "Tetsuya..." He hissed before shooting a glare at the male. Running towards the basket he noticed the ball was heading in and Kagami was smiling. He could shot a three-pointer? Not just dunks, interesting. But... He was too confident in that ball. Passing the male he quickly got rid of the rest of the distance before jumping and feeling the ball brush against his fingers. 
        "So close." People started whispering as the ball went in, so he actually made it? Standing up he chuckled lightly to himself. Taking the ball he dribbled it some. "I might have some fun... later on right now I'll just have to see what you're made of." Haru chuckled before the game continued. The ball kept getting passed back and forth on the court, and the time was being drained. No baskets were shot, but it seemed that that was how Haru wanted it to be. Because each time he nearly had the ball too long Kagami would get the ball before Haru stole it again. When it was the last minute Haru shot his basket and watched it go in before Kagami went for his own goal. Which once again was a dunk, tsk, he disliked this guys jumping ability! The buzzer went off and the coach walked to the middle. "Game over, 24 to 12, Haru wins." She stated before watching the male walk away from them. Haru wanted to take a shower now.

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