Chapter Twenty: Fukui's living where?!

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       Haru just wanted to disappear, once that picture was published in the magazine he would be done for! It was horrible... His one secret out to the whole public- even though they still didn't know he was a homosexual. The way his mind was processing it, only made it seem as though they did know the truth. Gah! All of Kise's fan girls would probably hunt him down too... His hands held onto his head tightly, before feeling the soft touch of his friend. "It's okay... You can stay at my place for awhile." He stated in a lighter tone than usual. Huh? Haru moved his gaze to lock on blue eyes, was he being serious? He really seemed to look like he was. Ugh! He hated when he couldn't tell if he were joking or being serious... Unconsciously his head nodded yes, while he searched for any sign of it being a joke. "Okay, let's head to my house after we get a shake." Kuroko stated, before holding a hand out for Haru to take a hold of and stand up. 
        This guy... He was seriously okay with him bunking at his house. "You're such a great friend." Haru mumbled softly, while he gave him a light hug. Kise would probably head to his house to apologize, ugh... He was upset with him and his manager at the moment. It would simply be best if he just stayed at his friend's house for a while. Following the male, they both ordered a vanilla shake. Haru's hair was wrapped up against his head- since Kuroko helped him with that. Sunglasses were on his face, he would not risk some random person come up to him and try to get him to do something... Gah... Kise would be getting beaten up, when he decided to talk to the male again. Taking the cold refreshment, he started to sip at it. Ah, something good to have while trying to relax.
        Once Kuroko had his, they left for the blue hair male's home. It would nice if they could get there quickly, but Haru wouldn't rush his friend. Instead they were both walking down the road, sipping at their shakes. Haru could see exactly why Kuroko would get this every time he was there. They were good! Unlike Kagami's mountain of burgers, was his stomach a black hole!? For as long as he's known Kagami, he had not once seen the male with a full stomach. Shaking his head at that thought, he looked at the house in front of him. This was Kuroko's home? Well he could certainly relax here, he sipped his smoothie as the other unlocked his door. "Sorry if it's a mess." Kuroko said as he walked inside, Haru nodded his head at that comment before seeing them. Hm? It wasn't even that messy... Wow, he worried about the male's thoughts sometimes. 
        "You can sleep in the bed, I'll get out an extra futon for me." Kuroko offered as he left before Haru could deny the offer. Haru could always just tell him he would rather sleep on the extra futon. Still, this was Kuroko's house... Looking around the room, he started to step before hearing something fall hm? Hurrying towards the noise, he stared at the scene before him. His lips twitched lightly, and he had to turn around just to try to keep himself from laughing. "S-sorry... You should've asked for help." Haru laughed softly, before he started to pick the futon up off of Kuroko. The other male said nothing, as both of them put the futon where they wanted it to be. It was in the same room as the other bed, that was a good thing. That way both of them would be sharing a room! "Kuroko, you can sleep on your be-" He started before watching the male lay down on the futon they just put down. Kuroko wouldn't let him sleep on that futon would he? Fine, he would just sleep on the bed then!
        Moving towards the other bed, he laid down and started to get comfortable. "I'll stop by your house tomorrow, to get you some clothes." Kuroko said, while his back was facing the other male. Haru didn't need to do much in reaction to that, Kuroko offered to do that... In the end the male would end up doing as he pleased anyways. Closing his eyes, he started to drift off asleep. He was exhausted already, but he still wanted to see Kise's reaction to when it was printed... Well, his fan girls could deal with him, so Haru would leave him alone for now. His mind started to clear up, while he fell asleep. No dreams, just darkness of nothing. This was great for him, actually getting some sleep that he wanted. Morning came faster than Haru would want, but Kuroko woke up before him and started to get things together. The blue hair male just stared at the male in his bed for a moment, before he decided to let him sleep a bit longer. Then again Haru's phone was still on, so when it went off Haru started to shift around to find his phone. Only thing he succeeded in was dropping it on the ground, Kuroko picking it up and turning it off for him. 
        "I have most of your things together, I'll make sure to bring some clothes over." Kuroko said before watching Haru shake his head and pull the blanket around himself. "Go see how school is... Then I'll go if they're not crazy." He muttered before feeling a light hand pressure where his head was. He stayed where he was, and soon enough the pressure was gone and he could hear Kuroko leaving the room. "Have a good day, Kuroko." Haru called out to him, before he sat up in the bed hugging the pillow. Hm... What could he do to pass time? Going to grab his phone, he started to look around. Where was it- wait... Kuroko never gave his phone back! He was so mean!! Pouting to himself, he let out a soft groan before cleaning what little mess was in the house. Nothing better to do, and soon enough he was even doing homework to be ahead- well make up for not going to school... However, when he was done with that he was left with nothing to do. What else to do in this moment? 
        Laying down on the bed, he closed his eyes. The bed and pillow smelt like Kuroko, it was almost unnoticeable. It was nice to smell,  pushing that thought out of his head he started to go back to sleep. Kagami would probably have been planning to tease him about the magazine, too bad he wouldn't be there for him to do that. Still Kuroko would probably inform them on where he would be staying if they asked- well the basketball club. As time went by, he fell into a deeper sleep not even hearing three figures rushing into the house. Two with blue hair- one light and the other really dark, and one with red hair, and all males. There was complaining about a magazine, and the red hair excused himself to go find a bathroom to wash his face. The red head found the bathroom easily, but when he was done washing his face he headed back out and noticed the bedroom door opened some. 
        Kagami being nosey, headed to the door and peaked inside. Huh? Blinking a few times, he even rubbed his eyes to make sure what he was seeing was really there. Why was Fukui here!? Kuroko noticed the male wasn't back, so he went to check on him before he noticed he was looking in his bed room. Was Fukui sleeping again? "Fukui-Kun has a lot of nightmares, so let him sleep." He stated before the dark skinned male looked at Kuroko, questionably. Fukui was here, why? "No one would think he was at my house." Kuroko added, before Kagami started to shut the door. "Aomine-Kun, look." Kuroko said softly, before showing the taller male a picture. Instantly a tick mark showed up on his forehead, and he ran over to Kagami. Soon enough the redhead was hit, and in the room he went. "What the hell was that for!?" Two pairs of glares were directed at each other, and both of them forgot about the sleeping figure on the bed.
        "That picture! Why were you in bed with Fukui?!" Aomine yelled, causing Kagami to have a blank face. Huh? Kuroko showed him the picture huh? Well then, a light pink color dusted his cheeks as he thought about how to inform him that Haru was the one that pulled him on the bed with him...? "Ugh..." A groan came from one side of the room, before a once sleeping beauty started to get up. Why were they yelling in this room!? Glaring at the two, he started to get up out of the bed. His legs still half asleep, so they gave out on him. All three of them hurried to catch him. "I'm okay." He muttered, before trying to get out of their holds. Kagami and Aomine didn't let go, but Kuroko did simply because he didn't want to upset Haru. Haru awaited the other two to let go, but neither of them seemed to budge. "I'm okay, you can let me go." He stated once, his gaze shifting up to look at the two.
        Both Kagami and Aomine were staring at each other, it almost looked like they were glaring? A moment or two went by, and a anime vein mark formed on his forehead. Did it look like he needed the help to stand?! Sure his legs gave out on him, but that was because he didn't give them time to wake up! "Let go dammit!" He yelled before he started to struggle out of their grips. Once he was successful, he hid behind Kuroko. The only other sane person in the house at the moment, from what it looked like. The two taller males glared at each other for a few seconds, before they looked at Haru and Kuroko. "Fukui-Kun, how long are you going to stay here?" Aomine was the first to ask, causing Haru to peak his head above Kuroko's shoulder. Well... That was a good question... "Until people forget about the magazine." He stated with a nod, Kuroko just looked at him before pointing to the calendar. "Part of the house is being redone tomorrow, so I'm staying at a friend's house." He stated. Haru just sulked in one of the corners, why was fate so cruel to him? 
        "... You can stay at my house... It's big enough for you to do so." Kagami suggested, Haru just looked at him over his shoulder. Was he being serious? Or was he just kidding? Aomine was about to say something about that, but Kuroko beat him to it. "It is, only thing inside really is food and basketball related stuff." Haru stared at the blue hair male, before he groaned lightly. His feet carrying him over to the red head, and he sat down next to his feet. "I guess I could live with you for awhile." He stated before his eyes closed. Haru was questionable if that was a good idea or not... However it was perfectly fine to him at the moment. He had a place to stay, until either the remodeling was done or people forgot about the magazine. "Carry me to your home." Haru muttered, glaring at the floor. It was probably a lot of walking anyways, knowing Kagami he would argue about that. Instead, Haru watched as Kagami bent down in front of him. "Get on." Kagami said, shooting a smirk towards Aomine. The male blinked a few times, before he just got onto the other's back. 
        Haru held onto him tightly, when he stood up and started to head to the door. "See you Kuroko, you know where I'll be at." He said before he relaxed against the other some. A piggy back ride was actually pretty nice, plus Kagami was such a comfortable pillow. Aomine glared at the leaving figures, why did that redhead have things go the way he wanted?! "Thanks." Haru muttered softly with pink dusting his cheeks before closing his eyes so he could relax. Before they left, Kuroko slipped Haru's phone into Haru's pocket. In the end he ended up falling asleep, so Kagami put him in the bed and tucked him in. Since Haru was in Kagami's bed, Kagami got his stuff together and had it placed near the bed Haru was on. He would be sleeping in the same room, but he would just be on a different bed. Kuroko had said that Haru hasn't been sleeping well... So it would be better to be close in case he had a nightmare, right?

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