Chapter Four: The Day of the Challenge: Part Two.

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        Sadly lunch ended, before anything else could have happened. Haru followed the two other freshmen back to class, which annoyed Kagami. "Why the hell are you following us?!" The hot head yelled as he glared at Haru. For the new student, he just raised an eyebrow and followed them still. "Kagami-Kun, he's in our class." Kuroko said when Kagami stopped and turned around. The red hair male blinked a few times, before he finally put two to two together. That would explain why he was able to wake him up before the lunch bells rang... Haru walked around them and headed towards their class. Kuroko following behind him. When the second bell rang, they all took their seats. It didn't even take a minute for Kagami to start having anime veins showing on his head. "Why... Do you have to sit next to me!?" He yelled, glaring at Haru. Haru's gaze shifted to the tall guy and gave him a sly smile. "The teacher placed me here." Haru said in a hushed voice.

        His gaze soon found it's way back to the front as he watched the teacher head over to them. "Is there a problem here?" He asked looking between the two of them. Before Kagami could say anything, Haru answered. "There are no problems, he just didn't notice me the first half of the day." He said in an innocent way, with a convincing innocent look on his face. Even more tick marks appeared on Kagami's head as he watched the teacher buy that innocent act of his. Haru shot Kagami a smirk, before he paid attention to the teacher once more. 'This school is pretty fun so far, I can see why Tetsuya is here.' A soft- almost not audible, chuckle left his lips at that thought. Kuroko had glanced at Haru when that happened, before he started to write down something. Kagami's legs were bouncing slightly as he watched the clock. So close for their one-on-one game!

        Haru was putting his things up when the bell rang, both Kagami and Kuroko stood up ready to go. "Come on, we have a game to play." Kagami said picking up Haru the way he had lifted and carried Koganei when he signed up for the basketball club. Haru was caught off guard, and Kuroko gathered Haru's things as Kagami carried him away. "W-what are you doing?! Put me down right now!" Haru fumed as he struggled to get Kagami to let him go. Seirin's Ace just ignored him as he walked to the gym. Once he was in the locker room, he dropped the male on the ground and proceeded to getting changed. "Ouch..." He hissed lightly as he stood up and rubbed his back gently. A glare appeared on his face, as he started to make his way to the shirtless figure. How dare he treat him like that!

        "He's just excited." Kuroko spoke as he placed Haru's things down and took a seat himself. Haru's eyes shot to Kuroko, and he noticed the small twitching of his legs. A smile appeared on his face at that sight. "You seem pretty excited yourself. Too bad I'm just playing Kagami today." He spoke softly as he ruffled the bluette's hair. Going through his things, he started to get excited all over again. This guy was a pain, but he was pretty sure he was the one that forced the gates to the Generation of Miracles open. That or he was losing it while he was in America. "Hurry up, I'm going to warm up." Kagami said as him and Kuroko left the dressing room. Haru's smirk grew as he got into his black shorts and a white T-Shirt. Hurrying out of the room, he pulled his shoe on the rest of the way. As he came closer to the gym, he listened to the team whispering.

        When he opened the doors, he noticed the Kuroko was talking to the coach. "About time, warm up." Kagami said as he finished warming up. The male just stretched his arms for a moment, then stopped. "Ready." He stated as he walked to the court. "A bit too full of yourself, don't you think?" Kagami asked, cracking his knuckles. Haru looked at him with a smirk on his face. "If you score once, I'll warm up even more." He chuckled before he noted Kuroko's twitching stopped some. A sigh left his lips before he started stretching some more. "I'm only doing this for Tetsuya." He stated before Kagami could get a swollen head. Kuroko glanced at him, and gave a small- almost unnoticeable, smile. Haru smiled back at him before looking at Kagami, who was waiting for him on the court.

        Haru made sure his hair was tied up so it didn't come undone, and headed out to the court. "Twenty minute match, fouls will be counted, and a two-minute break will be provided after ten minutes." The coach spoke up before she held the ball out in between them. "Um... May Kuroko toss the ball up for us?" Haru asked smiling at her, she just blinked a few times before looking at Kuroko- who was right next to her. "Ah!... Sure." She jolted away at first before handing Kuroko the ball. "Good luck, Kagami-Kun." Kuroko said softly, nodding a thanks to Haru. When the ball was thrown Haru watched Kagami jump up for the ball, while he took three steps back. The other teammates were cheering that Kagami got the ball- while Kuroko just watched them closely. Other students filling in the gym, which were the students that Haru had invited while Kagami was sleeping in class plus more. 

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