Chapter Fourteen: You Two Did What?!

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        Haru sighed softly and started to make himself something to eat. He really needed to start getting out more, that way the others wouldn't have the slightest reason to come to his house! It was still bothering him that they came to his house so freely! Well, they were his friends so he wasn’t going to call the cops on them but… He still didn’t want them being in his home! While he was thinking about that, how exactly did they get inside anyways?! Patting himself down, he searched for his key. E-eh, where was it?! Rushing around the house, he soon spotted it next to the door. Phew, they just used it to get in and put them on the table afterwards. It wasn’t like they would take his key and make copies of it, if that were the case he would seriously call the cops. It would make him feel uneasy, if they had a key to his house. That would mean that they could come inside his house at any time that they wanted to!
        Shaking that thought out of his head, he started to go back to the kitchen so he could finish cooking. Of course he was only going to make something simple to eat. What was so simple? A grilled cheese sandwich, he wasn’t that hungry anyways. Once he was done, he sat down on at the table to eat. His mind wondering off every so often, but it was mainly on how he was going to cheer that idiot up enough to where it wouldn’t affect how he played. A soft sigh left his lips, as he started to finish up his food. Maybe it would be best if he didn’t think too much about it all. Shaking his head, he got up and started to clean up the small mess he made. Once that was all done, he headed to go take a shower. He really needed to relax the best he could, especially since he was going to be joining the club tomorrow. Ugh, he was going to be bored if they didn’t play a team that tried until the very end.
        Haru made his way into the bathroom, and started to get undressed. His clothes still sticking to his skin from earlier events, then again he should’ve seen that coming. The male’s hand gently took ahold of the knobs and turned them, watching as the water turned on. His free hand feeling the water until it felt nice enough for him to get in the shower. A light sigh left his lips, as he started to relax in the water. After a moment or two relaxing, he remembered about his hair ties and started to take them out so he could wash his hair. His fingers gently brushing through his hair, along with untangling the tangles he would hit every now and then. After a few times of doing that, he grabbed his shampoo and started to wash his hair. Taking his time, he made sure to get all of his hair and not miss any spots.
        Once all of his hair had shampoo on it, he started to rinse his hair off. He just stood there with his head under the water. It felt nice, just standing there letting the water run down his body. As time went on, he put conditioner in his hair and washed his body. Haru sighed softly as he reached over and turned the water off, while his other hand went and grabbed his towel. Pulling the towel to his body, he started to dry himself off. Once he had another towel, he started to wrap his hair in it. While he did that, his gaze shifted to his mirror that was fogged up. A light sigh leaving his lips, his muscles felt nice and relaxed not tensed at all at the moment. Drying himself off the best he could, he let out a soft sigh and got himself dressed. Tomorrow morning he would make sure he handed Riko his forum to join the club.
        When he was completely dressed, he headed to his bed. It was time for him to sleep, and Haru knew that- even if he did wake up not so long ago. Getting comfortable in his bed, he closed his eyes. His body relaxing against the bed, as he started to drift off into his lovely state of sleep. Haru nuzzled lightly into the pillow, and smiled to himself. He was comfortable right now, and he didn’t want anyone to ruin that for him! However, no one had to ruin it for him… His mind did when it started to turn into a nightmare. Normally he would be able to keep them calm, but right now he wasn’t so sure on how to react to it.
        Roaming around he let out a soft sigh, where exactly was he? His gaze stopped on something rather unpleasant. A pool, why was there a pool here?! Turning around he started to walk the way he came, only to be stopped when he saw there was a pool in front of him. How funny, someone was playing tricks on him right? Haru shook his head gently, and he turned right walking ahead. It only took a few minutes before he was on a beach; once again he turned around taking off towards the one direction he hadn’t come from. At the end of the path he was greeted by yet another pool of water. Why were there so many water sources around here?!
        Turning around he noticed all the water was coming closer to him; at least the beach had shallow water he could walk in… That was his best bet huh? Slowly stepping back into the water, he felt the sand suddenly drop from below his feet. E-eh?! His whole body ended up following after the sand, soon enough his head was also under the water. Panic started to rise through his body, his arms and legs wouldn’t move, his breath leaving his body so quickly. His eyes were burning in the salt water, which forced him to keep his eyes closed. It wasn’t long after that, his body started to follow a current. 
        It felt like forever, but then again when it ended it felt so peaceful. His body not freaking out, his breathing normal, it all felt real, yet he knew it couldn’t be happening. There was no way someone could breathe underwater! Yet he felt so calm and relaxed, his eyes opening to take in the breath taking scene around him. Still, it was too dark for his likings. Shifting some, he started to go down deeper then he already was. His body not moving to get himself closer to the surface; however, he did take note of someone’s hand reaching down in the water. Though he couldn’t make out who it was, it was hard to see with so many bubbles around him. Even if he couldn’t see, he reached his hand out to grasp ahold of the other’s hand.
        Once he did that, he woke up with his arm up in the air. Jolting off his bed, he started to look every which way. Okay… He just needed to calm down; the nightmare wasn’t really a bad one. Haru has had worse over the years, this one just made him a bit uneasy that is all. The dream had no meaning, and he certainly wasn’t going to act on it! If that were to happen when he was awake, he was sure he would die! Shaking his head, he started to get ready for school. Since he was up so early, he made himself some pancakes to eat. Milk was his lovely drink of the day, and any other morning.
        His gaze shifted to the clock, before he started to pack his school bag. The first thing he noticed was the forum he would have to give Riko. A light smile found its way on his lips; it would be lovely to play basketball with Kuroko once more! Plus if he really was joining the basketball club, then that would mean he would be playing with Kagami also. If he truly was Kuroko’s light, he would need to prove it when they faced one of the other Generation of Miracles.
        Grabbing his keys, he started to head out of his house. He would have to make sure he found Riko, before school started. That way he could get an answer during lunch. The smile on his face only seemed to grow. Thoughts of joining the basketball club filled his mind, playing basketball for fun and not just to win… That thought alone was enough to make him happ- erm! What was he thinking?! He was joining because it would make Kagami cheer up… Then again that idiot didn’t need to be cheered up, but Kuroko was worried about him.
        Shaking his head, he let out a soft sigh. He was doing this for Kuroko and Kuroko only! Haru was quick to find Riko- in the gym, what a shocker. The male handed her the forum, and he was surprised when she suddenly started to look so happy. “I’m glad you’ve joined! See you at practice!” She said before skipping towards her own class. Huh? Did that mean he was really part of the club? Why did Kuroko give him two forums to fill out anyways?! Pushing those thoughts away, he started to head to his class. Kuroko was already there, and Kagami was nowhere to be seen. Haru took his seat, letting out a soft sigh.
        “Kuroko! Your plan to get Fukui to join actually worked!” Kagami yelled when he slid the door open. Haru blinked a few times, before looking at the blue hair male. What was he talking about?! “Tetsuya… You better explain.” Haru said as he started to stand up, Kagami finally taking noticed that Haru was in the classroom. Kuroko looked up and sighed softly, that idiot couldn’t keep his mouth shut could he? “Kagami was worried about you, but not about what happened yesterday. Well he is worried about that, but he won’t admit it.” He started stalling what he was going to say. Haru kept a close eye on him, a light glare taking place as Kuroko actually stalled! “Tetsuya!” He yelled and watched the male look at him.
        “He was worried you gave up on basketball, so I suggest that I tell you Kagami was being affected in practice- which he was just by Kise not you. Well… Here we are now.” He said smiling lightly. Haru’s hands balled themselves into fists, Kagami hurrying over to stop him. Then again, Kagami just made the distance between them fade away. Raising his arm, Haru hit Kagami as hard as he could. Luckily he got front row seats to watching Kagami tumble over a desk and into another one. “What the hell was that for!?” He yelled standing up; he was quick to pick Haru up off the ground.
        Haru glared at him, he was really asking that? “You don’t have to worry about me!” He yelled at him, getting himself out of the taller male’s grip. Shaking his head, he looked over to Kuroko and gently tapped his cheek. “That’s for not just coming right out with what was going on.” He said, a light sigh following that. The taller male started to have tick marks appear on his face. “You punch me, and Kuroko only gets touched!?” He yelled, making Haru look at him and nod his head gently. “Of course, Kuroko was looking out for me. Plus, he’s fragile you’re not.” He said shrugging his shoulders gently. Kuroko couldn’t help but smile some; it was nice to see that Haru wasn’t that upset with him.
        Kagami on the other hand, threw a punch right back at Haru. Since he wasn’t expecting that, he was pushed back against Kuroko when he was hit in the face. Rubbing his cheek, he glared at the male. “You hit my precious face… but you held back so thanks for that.” He stated, surprising the taller male. After all, he thought he wouldn’t notice. Haru shook his head, before he looked at Kuroko and helped him stay standing. It was nice to act like he wasn’t some kind of fragile thing needing to be taken care of. Though Kuroko on the other hand, that boy was someone you had to watch out for! He was weak, but he was also strong and he could deal with pain. He knew that well, so he tried not to baby Kuroko.

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