Chapter Three: The Day of the Challenge: Part One.

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        Haru was a bit too excited; he almost didn't get any sleep that night. He was up until about three in the morning! If this guy had Kuroko's respect, then did that mean that he was his new light? This Kagami guy kept getting more and more interesting. For a shadow like Kuroko to be stronger, the light to that shadow had to shine brightly right? Maybe Kagami was the only one at Seirin High that could even be considered a light to make a shadow? No, Seirin has been getting better from what he's heard. Staying up late thinking about these things that he could get answer to tomorrow, that was not good for his health at all! Now with that in mind, he actually was able to get some sleep. When his alarm went off he got up and did his normal shower, hair care, teeth care, and of course the unpleasing school uniform. He would much rather wear what he was wearing the day before. Plus, the uniform was uncomfortable! 
        Oh well he would deal with it, that was only because of how excited he was for the day. No way was he going to hold back completely on the first quarter. Of course he would hold back like any other Generation of Miracles did- well except Kuroko, he always brought his A Game from the beginning. Making sure his hair was put up correctly, he started to head out towards the school. A smirk was on his face the whole walk to the school, his school bag in his hand as he walked around people so he could get to school soon. His phone number? It was the same as when he was here, and everyone from  Teiko Middle School regular basketball players had it- well except Akashi. Haru simply didn't want him to have his number. If it weren't for Kuroko he would've missed a tone of meetings that Akashi called for...
        Roaming around the school his gaze shifted up when he came to class 1-B, well this would be his class until the end of the year. Listening to the bells ring, to inform students that they were late for class now. Such a lovely sound in his mind. It wasn't like he would be counted late; after all he is a new student. "Class, we have a transfer student from America coming today so please be kind to him." Haru's ears caught the sound of the teacher telling the class of his arrival, and then the students whispering to each other. Sliding the door open he walked in, a smile on his face as he made it to the teacher's desk. "Sorry I'm late." He said as he bowed lightly to him. Turning his attention to the class he smile, then his eyes caught sight of his blue hair friend. His gaze shifted slightly when he saw a sleeping red head in front of the blue hair male. 
        "I'm Fukui, Haru! Nice to meet you all, I do hope we become close friends. I enjoy basketball, and I'll be having a little one-on-one with Kagami-Kun today if you want to watch." He chuckled lightly before he headed over to Kuroko, hugging him. "May I sit next to Kuroko-Kun?" He asked looking at the teacher with a hopeful smile. Dodging the chalk that was thrown at him, his gaze shifted to the seat that he was being placed in. Next to Kagami? Not that far from Kuroko... Haru nodded his head and took his seat, his gaze shifting to Kagami. He seemed tired, maybe he stayed up late? Then again he stayed up late also, but he had enough energy to make it until lunch for right now. Kuroko seemed to have noticed Haru staring at Kagami because he tossed him a note. The new student's eyes shifted to Kuroko curiously before he started reading the note.
        So when he was excited he stayed up all night? A soft chuckle left his lips as he stood up right before the lunch bells rang. Leaning closer to Kagami's ears he blew in it and watched him tumble towards the window and covering his ear. "Better be ready for our game." He said waving his hand and walking pass the teacher as the bells were heard by everyone. Haru left the room before Kagami could even say a word to him. He bought his lunch and headed to the roof. It felt nice up on the roof like always. However the roof wasn't quite high enough for him, instead he found his way up onto the roof above the door that he just walked out of to get onto the roof. Sitting there he quietly ate his food, then laid down to sleep. Ignoring the people that came up there to eat, he heard his name but that wasn't enough to get him to sit up or anything. He slept fairly well, and woke up when he heard Kuroko-Kun's name. That was enough to get him to sit up and look at the ground of people.
        Hm? It looked like the whole basketball team was there. Haru moved enough to where his legs dangled off the edge and stared down at the people. "Hey! Let go of Tetsuya, right now!" He yelled at the guy who was gripping his poor friend's head. He noticed a few people jumped, but all of their gazes shifted to him as he glared at none other then Kagami. "You woke up." Kuroko bluntly stated as he watched Haru jump down and started heading over to them. Kagami had indeed let go, but when he heard Kuroko he grabbed his head once again. "How long did you know he was up there?!" He yelled and the others looked at Kuroko curiously. Haru's eyes only narrowed more, as he headed to him and knocked Kagami's arm off of Kuroko and knocked the male off balance in what seemed like a blink of an eye.
        He glared at the male that was on the ground for a few seconds before looking at Kuroko. "Are you okay, Kuroko-Kun?" He asked, his smile returning to his face as he checked his head for them. "I'm okay, this isn't the first time this has happened." Kuroko responded as he brushed Haru's hand off of his head. This happened before? Shooting a deadly glare at Kagami for a second, he looked at Kuroko again smiling. "So you noticed I was sleeping up there?" He asked curiously as he tilted his head gently. Kuroko nodded his head lightly and pointed to where moments ago Haru had been sleeping at. "That's your favorite place to take a nap." He said before he put his arm down. Haru just nodded and chuckled lightly. Seemed like Kuroko didn't forget his habits, oh well wasn't like he had all of his habits still.

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