Chapter Eight: Long time no see...

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      Haru turned his head some and started rubbing his eyes, ugh the sun wasn't on his good side at the moment. When he was use to the light he looked to who it was before he shifted some, trying to go back to sleep. "I haven't seen you since you moved and all you can do is turn and go back to sleep? How rude!" The male huffed before he picked Haru up over his shoulder. "Let me go Aomine-Kun!" He complained as he hit the taller male's back a few times. Aomine just chuckled and shook his head no gently. "Nope, I'm dragging you to see the rest of the old team." Aomine said as he headed down the stairs. Haru struggled for about half the walk down the stairs before he finally gave up on trying to get out of the male's grip. Ugh! He didn't really want to see the others so soon, at least not for another week or two. A light sigh left his lips before he finally felt his feet touch the ground. Once they did he brushed his hair behind his shoulders. "Could you have been a bit more gently, I am fragile you know?" He asked hearing them chuckle.

        "You fragile? We all know that's not true, Kuroko is the fragile one." Kise chuckled and draped his arm over the blue hair male's shoulders. Haru looked at the rest of his former teammates and sighed gently, putting his hands behind his neck he started walking towards the tallest of them all. He blankly stared at the purple hair male for what seemed like minutes, before the taller male finally understood. "Here you go, that'll be my welcome back gift." He said holding one of his candy bars up above Haru's head. The shorter male looked up and frowned, how mean he knew he couldn't reach that! The male just grinned and teased him for a few moments before he dropped it on his head. "Murasakibara! You're such a child." Haru said before opening his candy bar going to eat it before it was taken and eating by the unwanted red head. 

        Right away Haru glared at him, and the red hair male glared right back. "That was mine... Kagami..." Haru said watching as the male looked at the candy bar and back at Haru. "Really?" Kagami asked quite amused before he started to finish the candy up. The shorter male's eye twitched, but he attempted to stay calm but that smug look on his face... He just couldn't take it! Going to hit him, his feet suddenly left the ground right after a arm wrapped around his waist. "Whose the child now?" Murasakibara teased before just holding Haru next to his side with one arm. Haru just sort of dangled there and looked at the ground before muttering a few selective words to himself. Kuroko looked at Kagami his face still blank. "Why are you here?" He asked, as soon as he did Kagami looked at him and pointed next to them. They all looked and saw the school entrance. "I was leaving and I saw all of you." He stated before stretching his arms out some. Kise removed his arm from Kuroko's shoulder and patted Kagami's back. 

        "You can come wi-" He started before a half eaten candy bar was thrown at him. "Hell no!" Haru said his voice laced with disgust at the moment, his glare directed at Kise. Murasakibara was blinking at the sudden disappearance in the candy he was eating just seconds ago. For Kuroko's new light he blinked a few times before smirking. "I would love to tag along." He stated watching Haru glare even more at him. Though that smirk left his lips when he suddenly hit the ground. Haru's glaze looked at the person that suddenly appeared. "Akashi-Kun." Haru stated bluntly and emotionless. The red hair, multicolor eyed male looked over at Haru and nodded his head gently. "I see you're still alive... Seeing as though you never answer my texts." He stated, both of them having their eyes locked for who knows how long. 

        Kuroko was the first to interrupt their stare off. "Kagami-Kun, I believe that you shouldn't come." He said before Kagami stood up looking at Kuroko with an eyebrow rose. "Why shouldn't I?" He asked before the blue hair male looked up at him and stared for a moment. "You and Haru fight too much." He stated, though once he did he noted the hand moving to his head. Instead of grabbing his head his hand was hit away by Akashi. Haru watched them silently, it would be interesting to watch Kagami and Akashi argue for a while. Though that amusement soon left when Kagami rolled his eyes and walked away, muttering stuff under his breath. Haru smiled happily before he looked up at the male that was holding him. 

        "May I be set down now?" He asked curiously before he felt himself be moved to over the male's shoulder now. Haru huffed and started to squirm some. It was higher now that he was on Murasakibara's shoulder! "That's not putting me down!" He informed the male before going limp on him, his hair dangling down- not even touching the ground either! Just how tall is Mura-Kun anyways!? Shaking his head gently, he let out a soft sigh. He was going to regret this wasn't he? Ugh, why was everyone here anyways?! Then again it was actually nice fore it to be so lively now. At his previous school it was rather boring.  Now that he was paying attention they were missing one from the group. Well they could wait until he arrived before they headed out.

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