Chapter Seventeen: I still don't trust you...

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       Haru slept until his alarm clock went off, so he was able to get ready for school. A shower, brushing his hair and teeth, getting dressed, and putting his shoes on. Grabbing his bag, he took off out the door. Though he remembered to lock it, as he walked he noticed Kuroko and Kagami heading to his house. "Hey, I don't need to be escorted." Haru joked, before Kuroko nodded his head lightly. "I wanted to make sure you were coming to school, along with Kagami." He stated, the darker hair male looked up at Kagami and stared. He did that for a moment, before hugging Kuroko. "I'm not your friend, Kuroko's my only friend at school." He stated before smiling at Kuroko. Kagami glared at him, before he grabbed the two of them. "Come on, we have to get to school." He muttered dragging the two of them to school. Haru yanked his arm back, half way there. "Kuroko, let's get to school on time together!" He said, as he took the male away from Kuroko. Hugging his arm happily, he started to hurry to school with the blue hair male. 

        Ditching Kagami, he smiled at Kuroko. "You know Kagami won't betray you." Kuroko said, as they entered the school. Haru looked at him, and smiled lightly at him. "I know, but I won't let people be my friend that easily." He said nodding his head happily. Walking around some, he let out a soft sigh. He could act like they were friends, but that would be too much work to do. "So yea, I'll play basketball but I won't let them be considered friends so quickly." He added, before he let out a sigh. He shook his head gently, before he groaned some. This would be awhile of getting use to things. Heading into the school, he went to his class and sat in his seat. He watched as Kuroko sat down, and Kagami came into the room. His gaze stayed on the board, as he waited for today to start.

        Lunch came quick, and he was up going to eat lunch by himself. "Kuroko, I'm going to eat alone. Don't worry I'll be at practice after school today." He stated with a light sigh. Kuroko nodded his lightly, and he went to roam around.  First place Haru went, was to the tree he was on last week. Climbing up the tree, he laid down on one of the branches and started to eat his lunch. It was a small lunch, just a rice ball or two. He ate his food, then went to take a small nap. It was nice to be napping, but he was still worried about everyone. His body stayed on the branch, but it was still a surprise that he was able to do that. Soon enough he woke up, heading to class. He ended up a few minutes late, but that was better then missing the rest of the day. Apologizing for being late, he went to his seat and started his work. The classes seemed to go by quick, and soon enough all three of them were heading to the gym. 

        All three of them were quiet, well at least until after they got changed. "You'll be cleaning the balls and the floors, since you skipped a week of practice." Riko said, when she through a basketball to Haru. Huh? Looking at the ball, he blinked a few times before chuckling. "I haven't done that in a long time." He stated before going to get to work of cleaning the balls. When the team would need a ball, he'd toss them one. His fingers twirled the ball in his hands, every now and then he'd look at the team. It was nice to see them playing as a team, and Kuroko looked like he was having fun. Smiling some, he tossed the ball to Kuroko only to see him pass it like a normal one. "Fukui-kun." Kuroko stated as he looked over to him, when he noticed the two balls on the court.

        A soft chuckle left his lips, as he went back to cleaning the balls and everything. It was good to see them as a team, but he still had the butterflies in his stomach. If he were to play on the team, would he mess up their pace? He shook his head, and started to finish up the balls. Getting two thrown at him, he caught them and started to wipe them down. "Practice over?" He asked watching someone nod their head. Okay then, time to clean the floors! Getting the things he needed, he started to clean it. Haru made sure that they were clean right the first time, but he sighed softly and shook his head. A soft sigh left his lips, as he got ready to leave. "That didn't take too long." Someone spoke up, causing him to jump. Haru looked to his left, seeing Kuroko. "I make sure it gets done right, the first time." He stated with a light smile on his face. Kuroko nodded his head, before they started to walk with Kuroko. It was quiet, but it wasn't an awkward one. 

        "Want to get a vanilla-" He started before he nodded his head yes. Well, looked like he knew what he was talking about. Smiling to himself, both of them left to go to Kuroko's favorite hangout place. Haru ordered, and Kuroko went to sit down at the table. Soon enough they were both sitting there, drinking their shakes. Nothing was said, they just looked at each other. That was good enough for Kuroko, but when a plate of burgers were placed in front of them they looked up. Kagami was pulling up a chair to sit with them. Now it was awkward... They just sipped at their shakes, and Kagami ate his food. "Why are you here...?" Haru asked first, he was curious of to why he would sit here with them. Kagami glanced at the male, and shrugged gently. "I usually end up sitting with Kuroko, but you're with him so I'm sitting with you two." He said before seeing Haru stand up. The half finished shake was thrown away, and he started to leave. "Let's get something straight, we're not friends. So next time, ask me to move don't just sit here." He stated before leaving the place completely.

        He didn't wait for Kuroko, so he wasn't surprised when he didn't see Kuroko. Haru was quick to leave for his house, but he did pull out his phone and read the text Kuroko sent. Sorry about Kagami-Kun, can I come over later? Stopping on the sidewalk, he thought about if he could or couldn't do that. A soft sigh left his lips, before he started to walk again. If Kagami is coming, no... Just you, then yes. Haru sent back, before he started to unlock his front door. Heading inside, he smiled to himself before he went to take a shower. The first text was ignored by him, but the second one made him lean out the shower to read them. I won't bring him. and I'm heading over there. He made sure both of his hands were dry as he started to text back. Door is unlocked, just come in when you get here. After sending that text, he was quick to finish his shower.

        Haru got out and dried himself off, and wrapped the towel around his waist. Heading out to his room, his face flashed red when he saw the blue hair male sitting on his bed. "You said you were heading over!" He was quick to go to his closet. One, he hid in there and two, his clothes were in there. Well... Almost all of them. "Sorry, I was already here when I texted that." Kuroko said that, before he noted the male pop his head out of the closet. His finger pointed to the bathroom. "Can you go in there while I get dressed?" He asked, only to hear Kuroko laugh softly and go to the bathroom. Blushing more, he hurried and got his boxers on before the rest of his clothing on. "Done." He called to Kuroko, his cheeks a bit pink. Kuroko came back out, and held Haru's brush. "Can I brush your hair?" The blue hair male asked, making Haru blink a few times before nodding his head lightly. 

        "Just this once." The male muttered, before sitting on the floor in front of the bed. Kuroko took his seat behind Haru on the bed. It took a moment, but once the male started brushing his hair Haru started to relax. He was being gentle with his hair, that was a good sign. Since his hair was so long, it always took him a long time to brush it. "It's so soft and long." Kuroko said softly with a smile on his face. Haru just nodded his head lightly, before he slowly started to drift off to sleep. It was so calm and nice to have someone- without the intent of cutting his hair, play with it. So it wasn't a surprise when he fell asleep. Kuroko hadn't noticed until he started to brush the hair closer to his face. The first thing he did was take a picture, before he finished brushing Haru's hair.

        "Haru... Hey, get on the bed." Kuroko said softly, before helping the sleeping male onto the bed. Haru just ended up grabbing a hold of Kuroko, and pulled him close to his body. Kuroko just stayed where he was pulled to, if the other male was sleeping okay then he wouldn't disturb him. Well at least not right now anyways. He was suppose to hang out with Kagami and the rest of the team later on. His fingers found his phone, and he texted Kagami that Haru was sleeping and wouldn't let him go, so he couldn't make it that night. It wouldn't bother Kagami anyways, now would it?

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