Chapter Thirteen: Get out!

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     Haru didn't wake up while he was carried, nor did he wake up when he was placed on a bed. He just snuggled up into a pillow that was on the bed, and he got comfortable right away. His mind was blank, and he ignored any and every noise around him. It would be nice if he could just stay asleep like this forever. For him to do that, he would have to give up seeing his friends huh? Well he did like sleeping this nicely, but it wasn't enough to give up on his friends- even if they were annoying... After a few hours, he shifted in bed. His eyes cracking open slightly, only to be a bit... taken back from what he saw. Sitting up he rubbed his eyes, what was going on?! "Fukui's awake." Someone said, which sounded extremely close to Haru. Haru's gaze shifted next to him, only to see Aomine laying on the bed with him. E-eh?!

        Kise turned around happily. "Fukuicchi! Your clothes are wonderful! They're surprisingly comfortable." He said just as happy as he looked. Midorima seemed to be upset that he was dressed up the way he was, though when he looked at Kuroko he couldn't help but relax. Even though they were wearing his clothes, he wasn't that upset- well with Kise yes, the others no. "We shouldn't be wearing Fukui's clothes." Kuroko stated, Midorima nodding his head in agreement. Murasakibara was laying down next to the bed, watching the other before he held out a candy bar to Haru.  Looking around his room, he felt Aomine pull him back down on the bed. "Akashi and Kagami didn't come." He stated softly in Haru's ear making him shiver.

        Though he was surprised that he knew who he was looking for. Aomine chuckled lightly, pulling the male close to him. "Hm... I haven't had your cooking in awhile, make me something to eat." The male said, before nuzzling his cheek against Haru's cheek. What? Ugh, he wasn't in the mood to cook right now! Crawling out of Aomine's grip, he ended up in Murasakibara's hold. Why did everyone want to hold onto him right now?! His eye twitched some, before he got out of the candy loving male's arms. From there he went into Kise's grip, which annoyed him even more. "Everyone stop touching me!" He yelled at them, Kise letting him go only for Haru to fall on Kuroko. Groaning lightly to himself, he moved off of Kuroko and helped the male up. 

        His gaze shifting about, before it truly processed where they were. E-eh?! "Get out of my house!!!" He yelled dragging Aomine and Murasakibara out of his house. "You three get out of my clothes and leave!" He hissed, glaring at them. After about ten minutes, Kise was holding onto Haru crying about how sorry he was. Ugh, he didn't like people knowing where he lived, nor did he like them inside his house! Slamming the door in all of their faces he let out a soft sigh. Well at least until he heard someone shuffling around, hm? Who did he forget to kick out? Haru followed the noise, when he did he noticed it was someone in the bathroom. Hm? Pushing the door open, he shifted his head to the side trying his best not to laugh.

        "Here... I'll help." Haru chuckled lightly, before helping poor Kuroko out of the clothing. It was a cute scene really, Kuroko struggling to get out of the clothing only to fail. Once the male was out of his clothes, he handed Kuroko his clothing to get dressed. "Thanks." The blue hair male said softly. Haru shrugged lightly, trying his best not to laugh. Then again, he just ended up laughing when Kuroko was dressed. "S-sorry, you just looked so cute trying to get out of my clothes." Haru said softly, noting the light blush on Kuroko's face. Ah, he didn't mean to embarrass him! Ruffling the male's hair, he smiled some to himself. It was nice to have Kuroko around still. "Kagami believes it's his fault." Kuroko said changing the subject completely.

        Haru's gaze shifted on the figure, Kagami did? A soft sigh left his lips, that idiot was truly an idiot. Didn't he tell him that it wasn't his fault?! Rubbing his temples lightly, Haru shook his head gently. "And it's affecting the way he plays." Kuroko added, catching Haru's complete attention. So that was the case? Interesting. A soft sigh left his lips, before he led Kuroko out of his house. He would deal with that idiot later on- even if they didn't see eye to eye on things. "Just leave him to me." he said softly before he noticed Kuroko was holding something. Taking the paper he blinked a few times, a club forum? Why would he need that... His gaze shifted to Kuroko, who was smiling lightly. "He would be happy if you actually joined." Kuroko said softly before he left.

        The male just watched the figure leave, before he headed inside his house- making sure to lock his door. Looking at it, he sighed softly before he started to fill it out. It would be fun to play basketball with Kuroko again... A light smile was on his face, as he filled out the forum. Once it was done he put it in his bag, so he wouldn't forget about it tomorrow. Akashi's team made him curious, was he the one that was at top right now? If that were the case, he would enjoy dragging him off the thrown and down to being a peasant!

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