Chapter Six: He won't join?!

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       "Fukui-Kun." Kuroko said softly as the male started leaving the court, which was what he still did. He would speak to Tetsuya later, right now he was going to head home and take a shower. However when he was stopped at the door by the coach. "Here's the application to join the basketball club!" She said happily as she held it out to him. Haru looked at the paper before he took it, crumbled it up, and threw it towards Kagami. "I didn't come here to play basketball." He stated before he felt a rather unpleasant aura behind him. Peaking over his shoulder he watched Kagami turn and glare at him, a anime vein on his face. "Don't you enjoy playing basketball?!" He yelled taking the words out of Kuroko's mind. Haru didn't say anything to that, he just waited for the coach to move out of his way. "Fukui-Kun, you use to always have fun play-" Kuroko started before he received a rather scary glare from Haru.
        "I admit he has talent, but I won't join the club." He stated before moving the female coach out of the male himself. Leaving the school completely he started to leave the school grounds. Ugh, it annoyed him that Kagami could get baskets from him... Then again he shouldn't have taken it easy on him. Pulling his hair out of their binding he started to head home. Unlocking his door he headed inside at the same time his cell phone went off, huh? Taking his phone out he realized it was Tetsuya calling and ignored it. He would ignore him, punishment for him informing Kagami on how to block his shot. Though it was a surprise he could block it on his first try, it took Aomine a few times before he could block it... A soft sigh left his lips as he locked his door and laid down.
        Basketball was fun, but he didn't want it to become boring like in America. Sure there were a few good teams, but it still ended up being boring in the end. Closing his eyes he decided he would take a shower after he wo- growl. His stomach interrupted his plans, so he sat up and sighed. Okay change of plans, quick shower then food. The male got up and took a quick shower and got dressed into his normal outfit. Ah, it felt so nice to be wearing that instead of the unpleasing uniform he had to wear to school. Keeping his head down, he headed out and started to look around for somewhere to eat. Walking into a random place he ordered a few things and paid for it, ah time to sit down and eat! "That guy pisses me off!" A familiar voice ran through his ears.
        Haru's gaze shifted to the red head before he noted the blue hair male sitting with Kagami. Hm? "He loves basketball as much as you- if not more." Kuroko said before Kagami was a bit more irritated at him more. Haru just watched them before he sat down eating his food, making sure neither of them saw him. Though they said nothing else after that, instead they both left. Quickly finishing his food he head out following them. "If he loves it so much he would've joined no matter what." Kagami fumed before Kuroko stopped and looked at the basketball court in the park. "It may be like Aomine-Kun, it might be boring to him now." The bluette stated softly before his hair was ruffled by the taller male. A smirk on his face. "If that's the case we'll just have to beat him hm?" He asked before the shorter male smiled lightly and nodded his head some.
        "I doubt that it'll be easy." Kuroko informed Kagami before the male nodded his head. "That's what lights my fire." The taller male chuckled before they started to walk away. Though they stopped when there was arguing in the basketball court. Hm? Haru watched as the people were picked on and out numbered on the basketball court. A bunch of pricks, they annoyed him the most. Heading over there he picked up the ball and bounced it a few times. "You're weak if you treat others like that." He stated as he dribbled the ball. Kuroko was heading to do the same thing but stopped when he saw Haru, and at the same time he stopped Kagami. "You want a piece of us too?" One of the guys asked, Haru just smirked and nodded. 
        "Four against one is good enough." He said as he started to get ready, his hair was shifting in the wind some. "This girly guy is a bit too cocky. Let's teach him girls should know their place!" The guy stated before Haru passed them and made the basket. A soft smile was on his face as he played them, though he was annoyed when one yanked his hair and made him almost miss. When he was done he watched them panting before he ran his hand through his hair. "That looked like it hurt." Kuroko spoke up making Haru jump. "But you looked like you were having fun." Kagami finished before he watched the shorter male look away. 
        "I just wanted those pricks to know their place that's all." He stated before he grabbed his things and started leaving. Still he ignored Kuroko, it was his punishment after all. So when the male grabbed his arm he kept walking as if it were nothing at all. Though that angry aura of Kagami got him again, he was just a angry guy in general huh? "Why are you ignoring Kuroko all of a sudden?" The male hissed as he grabbed a good handful of Haru's hair and yanked him back. Haru was quick to find his footing before he looked at Kagami. He was asking why he was ignoring Tetsuya? "One-on-one, that was what we were playing, he told you how to deal with my shots, and now I'm giving him his punishment for that." He stated before his hair was yanked once again. Flinching at that he grabbed his hair slightly. 
        Why did people go for the hair?! "Kagami-Kun, it was my fault please let Fukui-Kun go." Kuroko said softly as he touched Kagami's arm gently. The taller male muttered a few things, but in the end he let Haru go and started walking off. Haru just rubbed his head a few times before taking a rock and throwing it at Kagami's head and took off. Stupid idiots, yanking him around like he was some kind of rag doll! Shaking his head he let out a soft sigh before he sighed softly. He would deal with a angry Kagami tomorrow, plus he knew Kuroko would hold Kagami back while he ran away. Brushing his hand through his hair he made it inside his house, and then to his bed he went. Laying down he started to snuggle up into his bed, a light sigh leaving his lips.

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