Chapter Ten: It's too much...

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    He just wanted to go home and hide from them all now. Sure he was calm on the outside, but he was mentally yelling at himself. Why did they have to find out? They would probably tease the hell out of him now- of course he knew Akashi would... Well, on the bright side at least Kagami wasn't there to see that. Then again he'd have to watch out for Akashi, he would probably tell the jerk if he was given a chance to. Sliding into the car, he sighed softly and looked out the window. Maybe he could just disappear for awhile? Right about now, that sounded really good. Though he was pulled out of his thoughts when someone sat on his lap, his head jolting to the figure. When he did that, the male on his lap placed his forehead to Haru's. "You don't seem to have a fever." He stated bluntly. Haru blinked a few times with a light blush on his face.

        "Kuroko-Kun, don't scare me like that." Haru sighed softly before he looked down some. He didn't really want to deal with anyone right now... "You weren't answering Kise." The blue hair male stated and pointed to the blond hanging into the door. His gaze shifted towards him and blinked a few times, maybe he should've paid more attention huh? After a moment, Kise got the clue that Haru wanted to know what he had asked. "Where do you want to go? We can go anywhere you want!" The blond smiled happily at the male, Haru answered right away not needing to think about it. "Home." That was the only place he wanted to go to right now. Kise moved his arm over his eyes crying. "So mean!" He cried before the other piled into the car.

        Akashi ended up having to sit on Aomine's lap, while Kuroko still sat in Haru's. The black hair male stayed quiet the whole ride, even when they asked where he lived. Kuroko was nice enough to tell them to just drop him off at the school, sadly Kise refused and bothered Haru about it even more. His finger slowly pointing out the directions, until they stopped in front of his home. Haru ignored the other's looks, and let Kuroko get off of him and followed him out. "Thanks for the ride." He muttered and hurried inside, locking the door behind him so the others couldn't follow him inside. 

        Leaning his back on the door, he let out a heavy sigh. Today was probably one of the many days that he wished never happened. He slowly made his way to the shower, getting himself cleaned up. Once he was done, he got into some comfortable clothes and went to sleep. His dreams turned into nightmares of him drowning, and no one was there to save him. At about three in the morning Haru woke up gasping for air, his arms flailing as if he were underwater, his body covered in sweat. It took a few minutes to calm himself, from then on he sat on his bed his knees pulled up close to his chest. Nibbling his lip lightly, he started to look every which way in his room. As he did that he noticed his school bag, getting it he pulled his phone out noticing he had a text by... Akashi?

        Haru blinked a few times before he opened it up and read it, a shiver going down his spine when he did. 'Fukui, does anyone else know your... secret?' Gah! Reading that made him worry, what if he told everyone because he fell asleep instead of responding ?! Maybe he was a bit paranoid... Then again this was Akashi. Shaking his head, he responded to the text. 'No... Why?' With that sent he looked around to find something to keep him from sleeping. It wasn't long after he sent the text that he received one back. 'I was just curious that's all... next time making sure next time you don't wake me!' With that Haru stopped texting and started to groan softly. Akashi wasn't going to let him live this down would he? 

        Shaking his head he started to get ready for school, even if he still had a long time before school started. Haru grabbed his brush and started to brush his hair, his main worries were on what the others would do to him. A light sigh left his lips, soon enough it was time to head to school. Oddly enough he was there early, and he didn't say a thing to Kagami- not even when he dropped a book on his head. All he did was shrug, like it wasn't a problem. The red head couldn't help but raise an eyebrow curiously, why wasn't he trying to hurt him? Kuroko was also watching him worried, only difference was that Kuroko actually knew why he was acting how he was. It was sad really... Once lunch came Haru stood, and was blocked by Kagami. 

        "You okay?" He asked a bit worried, Haru looked up at him and nodded his head lightly. Yes he was okay and he didn't need to be blocked by Kagami. "You didn't bring your lunch today." Kuroko pointed out making Haru glance over his shoulder and shrug some. Couldn't he just get lunch here, was it so odd that Kuroko had to point that out? Turning his head back to Kagami he was surprised to feel the back of a hand on his forehead. "He doesn't have a fever." The taller male nodded before Haru slapped his hand away. Why did Kuroko and him both think he had a fever?! "Don't touch me." He stated before he started to leave the room. Ignoring the fact that Kagami ran his hand through his hair as he walked by.

        "Nope, you're going to the nurse." Kagami concluded as he threw the shorter male over his shoulder. Haru was caught by surprise, a light blush on his face. Kuroko followed close behind, watching Haru as he struggled some. "Let me go!" He commanded only to see the red head shake his head. His luck just kept getting worse, didn't it?! "Normally you would snap, especially with your precious hair. It's obvious something is wrong with you." He stated as he forced the male to stay on his shoulder as he headed over to the nurses. Haru just finally gave up, he was too tired to deal with this right now. "I'm not a baby." He muttered with a grunt at the end, when Kagami shifted him to the other shoulder.

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