Chapter Eleven: Just leave me alone!

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      Haru disliked how short he was now! Why were all the taller people, just picking him up and doing as they wanted. Staying where he was on Kagami's shoulder, he let out a soft sigh and shook his head. He wasn't some kind of baby that they could take turns babysitting! "We're just worried about you, Fukui-Kun." Kuroko said looking at his friend for a moment before getting a glare from Haru. Worried? He could understand a bit why Kuroko would be worried, but why would Kagami?! He knew nothing about what happened yest- Akashi didn't tell him did he?! No... It was just because of how he was acting, right? If Kagami had known he would've been teasing him about it... Haru was just too paranoid that was all. 

        When they neared the nurses office, Haru started to poke Kagami's back. "Hey, stop that!" Kagami said before he shifted some uncomfortably as the boy continued doing as he pleased. If Kagami could, why couldn't he? A soft smile was on Haru's face, as he watched Kagami squirmed while he poked him. Pushing himself up some, he leaned closer to Kagami's neck and blew on his neck gently. He noted the shiver from Kagami, a chuckle leaving his lips. How interesting from how he was reacting, though when a thought ran through his mind he stopped and shivered himself. If Kagami knew about his problem with water, then he could easily take him to the pool. Shaking his head, he started to just stay there. At least until he was taken off of the male's shoulder, and he was placed on one of the beds in the nurse's office.

        Haru sat on the bed a bit uncomfortable, before he looked up at Kagami and Kuroko. A soft sigh leaving his lips, Kuroko just stood there waiting for the nurse. For Kagami, he was stretching and looked around like he could be somewhere else right now. Getting out of the bed, he felt a hand on his chest and looked at the bluette before frowning. "You need to wait for the nurse." Kuroko said and Kagami nodded in agreement. "It must be serious if it changes your attitude, maybe you're secretly regretting not joining the basketball club?" The taller male said with a small smirk on his face. Haru's glare returned, as he looked up at the taller male. "Maybe you are worried that if I join, then I would steal the light from you." He snapped at him before getting hit in the forehead.

        "There's the Fukui-Kun we know, it's nice to see whatever happened didn't completely change you." Kagami said smiling at the shorter male. Haru blinked a few times before looking away, a light pink color on his cheeks. Who cares what he thought?! Kuroko smiled lightly and nodded his head. "I agree." The soft voice from the male caused his cheeks to become a darker pink. Sitting down on the bed he refused to look at them. "Leave me alone, I'll go watch the basketball club if you do." He said softly, Kagami going to argue with that but Kuroko beat him to speaking. "Okay, let's go Kagami-Kun." He stated and tugged the red head's arm as he headed for the door. Haru sighed when the red head followed him, once they were gone he laid down. In a way he wanted to sleep, but he was also scared to do that. Shaking his head, he curled up in a ball. 

        He could faintly hear Kagami yelling at Kuroko about why he would leave him alone, and how he could run away while they weren't watching. Listening closely, he started to think Kuroko wasn't going to answer but then he heard him. "I trust him." Those three words were enough to make Kagami shut his mouth, and Haru smile to himself. However that smile didn't last that long. "Will Fukui, Haru please report to the office." Haru's head lifted up some when he heard that, hm? Why would he be asked over the intercom? "-Sorry, will Fukui, Haru report to the pool area?" The person corrected causing Haru to stiffen up. No way he was going to go there, not when he didn't know who was calling for him!

        Once the door opened, he bolted out the window. "Fukui where are you going?!" Kagami yelled before following him. It took awhile but when Kagami caught him, he did not let go at all. After the struggling was done, Kagami threw him over his shoulder and headed to the pool area. "You're so troublesome, you need to calm down. It's only Kise, Kuroko got a text from him saying he was here." The guy said glaring at the male over his shoulder. Why? Because a certain someone was currently biting him! Haru didn't want to go there, but it was Kise not Akashi so that was good to hear. Well sort of, what if that blond idiot wanted to teach him how to swim? If that were to happen, then he would kill him on the spot. Easy as that!

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