Chapter Sixteen: Fukui can't trust us?

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       Haru was a bit worried about why the coach would be skipping... Still he brushed that aside, and started to walk out of the changing room. His gaze was on the players that were in the room, his eyes widened slightly. This wasn't the normal basketball team for... "Fukuicchi!" Someone yelled, as he attacked the male in a hug. He just stood there, before he fell from the side hug attack. Hm? His gaze shifted to the blond head. Why was he here? He could've sworn that this was practice... "I can't wait until the team temporary gets back together, we can bet Seirin, even if they have Kagami! He's helpless without Kuroko!" Kise cheered, huh? The old team was getting back together...? Haru looked at the Coach that seemed serious, while she spoke to the Seirin team- minus him and Kuroko. No way... Was this really happening!? Moving his head slightly, he looked at all the former members- well minus Akashi... "Don't worry Akashi will be here soon." Aomine said, before Haru shook his head and got away from Kise. 

        "I'm not playing." He stated quite seriously. Did the coach really expect him to do this? First day of practice, and she wanted him to play in his old team? The butterflies in his stomach became worse, and he shot a glare at the Generation of Miracles. "You made it without me before, you can do it again with me on the bench." He stated heading to the bench for their team, but his course changed when he dodged the hand from Aomine. Standing behind the taller male, he started to glare even more at the male. Aomine turned around quickly, both of them glaring at each other. Haru stood there, not even budging when Aomine went to hit him. "What's your problem!?" He yelled before going to hit him. Haru moved slightly to the side, and sighed softly. His movement did mess up, because his hair was hit then yanked on by the taller male. "Do you think it would be fun? All of us against them? I rather not play." He stated before his hair was yanked on.

        Aomine got ready to hit him, but Kise beat him to it. "Kagamicchi is good, he makes it fun for even us!" Kise said, obviously pissed at the male. Haru flinched at the punch, but when he was let go of he quickly put distance between him and the others. "Don't lump me with you guys." He said before he smiled differently from usual. "I play alone, just by myself. I don't need friends, they'll eventually betray you." He chuckled before he left, brushing by Akashi as he left the gym. His hands shifted slightly, he wasn't okay with the idea of people waiting on him to be friends... Or friends in general. Eventually... "Even Kuroko will betray me." Haru whispered to him, before he stopped. Kuroko already tricked him into joining the basketball... and so easily too... Shaking his head, he headed straight home. 

        Everyone else in the gym just stared blankly, what just happened? Kuroko looked over to Kise, before he looked to Aomine. "Did he keep in contact with you guys while he was in America?" He asked curiously. They nodded their head, then shook their head no. "After a week we had no way of contacting him to where he would respond." Kise stated, before he started to head to the door. "We have a game, just let him think it over." Kagami said, Kuroko and the rest were worried but they continued the game. Of course Seirin was beaten badly. 120 to 12. At least Seirin was able to score some points... Still neither side was able to concentrate fully on the game. No one was going to bother the male, not until he calmed down at least. 

        That was what they all thought at first, but a week went by and Haru didn't even show up to school. For Haru he slept a lot, and went to the park and played by himself against teams. He made sure not to let up any points, when someone asked for him to join their team he declined and left for the day. However, the eighth day of his disappearance, he was leaving the court when someone stopped him. "Fukuicchi... I've heard you haven't been in school for the past week..." The male said softly, Haru didn't respond he just started to walk by him. "Did something happen in America?" Kise asked as the male passed him, Haru flinched slightly and stopped. The blond stared at the male, and sighed softly. "So that is the case, huh?" He asked before he started to walk towards the court. "Let's play some. If I can score against you, then you have to answer one question of mine." Kise said picking up the basketball.       

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