Chapter Nine: You can't what?!

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      Midorima was the last to arrive, only reason Haru spotted him was because of his green hair- and also the fact that he was still on Murasakibara's shoulder and all. The green hair male got out of the... wagon? And the guy that had been pedaling the bike was resting while he could. "I was wondering why Akashi suddenly texted to meet up here." He said when he noticed who the figure that was on Murasakibara's shoulder. Haru lifted his head, forcing his hair to stay out of his face so he could see Midorima's face better. A light smile on his face, as he nodded his head lightly. "Nice to see you too, looks like you haven't changed." Haru said smiling before shifting some. Though he was rather surprise, when Midorima helped him out of Murasakibara's hold. He would've been thanking him, but the guy was just holding him off the ground. The only thing keeping him up were Midorima's hands that were placed right under his armpits. "You've grown." The green hair male stated before placing Haru down on the ground. 
        Everyone that hadn't noticed that before were looking to see if it were true. Which of course it was- even if he didn't grow that much. "He's taller than Kuroko, but shorter than Akashi still." Aomine teased as he ruffled the blue hair male's hair some. Haru just stuck his tongue out at him, before he sighed softly and looked at Kise. "So, where are we going to have a snack?" He asked curiously. Kise looked at him and smiled some to himself, of course he was going to bring them somewhere they use to go to! "You'll see, and also did you all bring what I told you guys to? Haru, Kuroko I have both of yours." He said smiling as he watched the others nod gently. Haru always refused to go to the public pool and beach since he had 'family plans' so he was secretly going to bring him along! Haru shot Kuroko a curiously look, which in response was a shrug. So Kuroko didn't know either? For some reason that alone made him feel uneasy.
        Following the blond head of an idiot, he glanced around some. It still felt so weird to be back, and with his former teammates it just made it even more awkward for him! Though in a way it felt nice to see them all again, they were just those kinds of friends you never wanted to truly get rid of them. When they stopped he looked at the normal store they went to when they were a team, heading inside he got the same thing as Kuroko. Sipping at his drink his gaze shifted about all of them, his eyes stopping when he saw the item of the day for Midorima. A soft chuckle leaving his lips, at least he was the same. "Don't you think scissors are dangerous around Akashi?" Haru asked with small smile on his face. Midorima looked down at the object and then to Haru. The green hair male shrugged, but his expression showed his worry slightly. It was Akashi after all, he wasn't one to mess around with.
        Haru chuckled lightly, as he started heading to the vehicle that Kise had called for while they were in the store. Kise watched everyone get in before he did so himself, leaning close to the driver's ear and whispered where they were going. The long hair male was quite nervous- since he had absolutely no idea where they were going! Plus he was sitting on Murasakibara's lap, while Kuroko sat in Aomine's lap- even though Kise wanted him to sit in his lap. Haru leaned back on the male behind him and tried to relax the best he could. "Whoa, you can actually be nervous?" Murasakibara teased the male in his lap, only to receive a playful glare from him. Shifting some in the other's lap, his gaze was set on Kise. 
        "May I know where we're going?" He asked, only to receive an unwanted answer of no. Ugh! Why wouldn't he tell him where they were going?! Huffing in disagreement, he leaned back on the purple hair male. If he wasn't allowed to know, then he would just go to sleep. Once he was comfortable, he started to fall asleep on the male. His hair was used for a pillow, though he did end up deep asleep on him. Murasakibara. When the vehicle stopped Kise got out first, followed by Midorima, Akashi, Kuroko, Aomine, then last but not least Murasakibara- who was carrying the sleeping boy. "Time to wake up." He said placing the male's feet onto the ground. Haru groaned lightly and rubbed his eyes some, where were they?
        Haru's gaze shifted around him when he was done rubbing his eyes, though he froze some when he realized where they were. Why?! Of all places here...? His body reacted on his own when he grabbed a hold of Kise's collar. A light glare on his face. "Why are we here?!" He asked before seeing the swim trunks in Kise's hands, shaking his head furiously. No way was he going to wear that, nor would he ever touch that water by his own will. Aomine on the other hand picked him up and started carrying him towards the water. "That's okay you can go in with what you're in now." He stated as he walked out in the water. Haru on the other hand was struggling to get away; his mind completely in a panic mode. He wasn't going to... drop him in the water was he?!
        Since he was panicking, he was struggling to get out of Aomine's grip. He was panicking; therefore, he wasn't thinking straight. Otherwise he would probably be holding onto Aomine, instead of struggling to get out of the only thing keeping him off the water at the moment. When the taller male was a little more than waist deep, he tossed the shorter one into the water. Haru let out a scream right before he hit the water, his arms flailing every which way. If he wasn't panicking before, then he certainly was now. His eyes shut tightly, once his body touched that water. Why now... of all times, he had to be here at the beach... in the water... Trying to keep his panic under con- who was he kidding, he was freaking out!! 
        Not thinking, he opened his mouth trying to gasp in air only to have water enter his system. Haru's heart was racing, and he was getting tired rather quickly. Thankfully Aomine pulled him back up out of the water. The now soaked figure grabbed a hold of Aomine the best he could, his figure shaking like crazy. Never... he never wanted that to happen again! Even if the other just meant it as a joke. Coughing and gasping were not a good combination, but that was what he was doing now. Once Aomine shifted just slightly, Haru's arms wrapped around Aomine's neck tightly and his face against the male's shoulder. Haru wasn't going to let go, no if he did he would most likely fall into the water. Shacking even more, Haru held on tightly as Aomine hurried back to the beach.
        The others thought that Haru had got hurt, so they were waiting for them on the beach. When they got to the beach Aomine placed Haku's feet on the ground the best he could at the moment, though Haru wouldn't let go of him. His body was trembling, and Aomine was forcing his arms off his neck. Once his arms were pried off of his neck, the first thing they all noticed was Haru's glassy looking eyes. Why was this happening to him... The next thing they all saw was Haru's arm lifting, before he slapped Aomine as hard as he could at the moment. Luckily Akashi was prepared to catch Haru, so once his knees gave out on him. The red head held Haru up, noticing just how bad Haru was shaking.
        Though it was surprising that Haru was allowing Akashi to help. Haru was accepting help from Akashi! If that didn't say something, then they didn't know what else would have. "I'm sorry Fukui-Kun, I di-" He started before Haru looked away from Aomine, coughing some more. Trying to calm his heart beat, he started to bite his lip harshly. His mind set on calming down right now, holding onto Akashi. His face hidden again the male's neck some. When the coughing subsided, he loosened his grip on the red head some. "Haru, are you okay?" Kuroko asked softly, in a concerned voice. Haru shifted some to look at the blue head, sniffling lightly to himself. He shook his head no and looked down. 
        "Fukuicchi... do you not know how to swim? If that's the case we could tea-" Kise started before Akashi shook his head. The red hair male's hand was next to Haru's neck and he could feel his pulse quicken when he was asking if they could teach him. His hands held onto Akashi's clothing tightly. They all stood there in silence for a good ten minutes before Haru was calm enough to let Akashi go. "Sorry... a-about that." He said softly, fidgeting nervously. His gaze stayed stuck on the sand while he spoke and after he spoke. Flinching when someone touched him, he shifted to the side some. "It's okay... Why didn't you ever tell us?" Akashi asked awkwardly, he wasn't used to... cheering people up or helping them out. 
        Really?! Akashi was going to ask him that question!? "Let's see... I would never hear the end of it!" He said irked by it, though he cringed up some when a kid accidentally got him with water. Murasakibara shifted and picked the male up, making sure he was gentle about it. "Would it make a difference if you were on my shoulders while we were in the water?" He asked before feeling his grip around him tighter. "Absolutely not!" He answered him right away, his body still shivering some. Kise frowned and watched him. "I'm sorry Fukuicchi, I didn't know that was why you never came..." He said softly, ashamed that this happened to him. The model felt responsible, since he was the one that brought them here.
        Haru shook his head lightly. "It's okay... I'll let you guys off this time... just never speak of this." He said softly looking away embarrassed. The taller male that was holding him laughed softly, before he placed the guy down. Once Haru's feet touched the ground he took off to the vehicle getting in, ready to go and stay far away from the water. Kuroko had started walking to the car before the others followed. They would do something else, besides swimming. Akashi couldn't help the smug look on his face, he finally had something against the male.

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