Chapter 1

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*Brittanys P.O.V*

I roll over in bed, my hand searching for the alarm clock that's ringing, letting me know it's time to wake up.

Slowly, my eyes open after about a minute of blind reaching, and I finally slam my hand down onto the off button.

I look at the time and sigh.

 It's only 5:45am. 

I don't understand why I get up so early for school.

It's not like I have anyone to even attempt to impress...

Because you at least want to act like you aren't that depressed.

I stretch, and slowly get force myself out of my warm and comfortable bed, already wanting to crawl right back into it and go back to sleep.

At least today is Friday and I can sleep in tomorrow.

Walking into my closet, I start shuffling through my clothing.

I grab my black ripped skinny jeans, my white t-shirt that I have worn way too much, and my slightly beat up black converse.

Grabbing a black sweatshirt in case I get chilly during the day, I walk in to the bathroom that's attached to my room.

What? I know that my outfit is extremely basic, but at least it's cute.

After turning the water to the perfect temperature, getting in, and washing my hair and body, I step out of the shower and dry myself off.

Then I quickly slide the clothes I picked out for myself on, and look in the mirror. 

I stare at myself for a couple seconds and just laugh.

My wet and now curly hair is everywhere, I have black circles under my eyes from the left over makeup I had on yesterday, and my face is as red as a tomato.

Today is not going to be a good day.

Sighing, I walk over to the counter and turn on the hair dryer that I always have sitting on the counter plugged in. 

Once it's at the correct temperature, I start to blow dry my hair. 

When I'm done, I quickly put my hair in two French braids and smile at myself in the mirror, happy with the way my hair turned out.

With that, I turn around and walk out of my bathroom to finish (more like start) my makeup.

Sitting down at my vanity, I start looking through my makeup bag for my eye liner and mascara so that my blue eyes pop.

If I were to say anything nice about myself, it would be that I have big blue eyes, that are as blue as a clear blue sky.

I'm pretty happy with them. 

Once I find my eyeliner and mascara, I quickly apply it, and grab my phone off of my bedside table, stuffing it in to my jacket pocket.

Walking in front of my full body mirror, I do a slow turn, and okay with my appearance, I walk out of my room and down the hall to my sister Karly's room.

I knock lightly and when she doesn't answer I barge in to her room, knowing she isn't awake. 

"Wake up!" I scream and jump on her bed.

She jumps out of bed and whirls around to look at me, "What the hell was that for!"

I smile innocently at her.

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