Chapter 26

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*Brittanys P.O.V*

I ended up falling asleep at the lake.

Adam woke me up at around 11pm, and we came home.

I once again fell asleep in his arms.

When I woke up the next day, Adam was still asleep, and I really had to pee.

I tried to wiggle out of his grasp but his hold just tightened on me, so I decided to take a different route.

"Baby," I whisper, kissing his hickey marked neck.


"Baby," I say a little louder and kiss his neck again, this time slightly sucking.

"BABY!" I say, and kiss his lips.

Suddenly he's wide awake and kissing me back.

I laugh and peck his lips before getting up and running to the bathroom, locking the door behind me.

I can hear him grumble and groan since I had just basically teased him, then ran away. 

Quickly doing my business, I brush my teeth and pull my hair up in to an ugly messy bun.

I unlock the bathroom door, and I'm not surprised when Adam is still in bed sleeping.

Last night was pretty tiring.

And I am pretty sore...

Ohh! I have an idea!

I quickly walk over to him and jump on him, straddling his waist.

"Hey, baby, wake up!" I say, trying to sound seductive, but failing.

Gosh, why am I such a loser. 

His eyes flutter open, and he looks up at me with tired green eyes.

"Good morning, princess," He mumbles tiredly.

I smile and slowly lean down and kiss him tenderly.

He gently nibbles on my bottom lip, and I pull his hair softly.

I laugh and get up, as he groans, and gets up as well.

"I'm gonna go and take a shower..." I say trailing off.

I walk in to the connected bathroom and leave the door open, turning the shower on and slowly stripping out of the pajamas I changed in to last night.

I step in to the hot water, and sigh in satisfaction.

The water is just so relaxing.

I wash my hair, and peek my head out and see Adam standing in the door way.

"Well...?" I question.

That's all the encouragement he needs.

Next thing I know, a model is in the shower with me, trapping me against the wall, kissing me.

Not that I'm complaining or anything. 

He stops, and rests his forehead against mine, just looking at me with his gorgeous green eyes and smiles.

I smile back, extremely happy with how my life is turning out.

Out of no where, my world starts spinning.

Dizziness takes over, and black dots invade my vision. 

I can feel my head start to pound, as memory after memory hits me.

The last thing I see before the darkness takes over is Adam's worried face trying to catch me as I fall on to the shower floor.


Suddenly my vision clears.

I'm not dizzy anymore, but I'm freezing cold.

I look around the room, and see I'm in an empty room except for the chair I'm tied down on and the guy standing in front of me.

The room is dark, and I can barely see the guy, but I can tell he is much bigger than I am, and he certainly scares me.

I think it was the guy that brought me here.

Wait, where is here? Where am I? Who is he?

"So you're the girl that Carlos has a thing with. I can see the attraction. You are pretty hot." He smirks.

I scrunch my face up in disgust, and want to punch that ugly smirk off of his face.

What the hell is going on here? It's like I'm here but I can't control myself.

Who's Carlos?

He walks behind me slowly and bends down so he's talking in my ear, "Listen here puta, you better start talking or else," he jerks my hair back and my head snaps backwards. I scream out in pain, and I can feel his satisfaction, "You're gonna be in a lot more pain by the time I'm done with you."

Who is he? Why is he treating me like this?

"O-Okay." I whisper not wanting to make him mad. He lets go of my hair and walks in front of me again. "Well, I'm Angelo. I'm basically Michael's go to guy. I'm in his gang."

Angelo? That name sounds so familiar... Michael? Gang?

Then it all clicks.

The pieces all start to fall into place, and as they do, my nerves and anxiety starts to build up. I can tell I'm going to be in an immense amount of pain here shortly, but I know I can't say anything about Adam, or his gang.

I couldn't do that to my love. 

I quickly go over everything that I know in my head. 

Michael is the leader of the Red Vipers enemies, the black roses. 

Angelo is the one Adam had the meeting with at the coffee shop.

This must be a memory from when I got kidnapped.

Then I hear a voice that isn't coming from Angelo.

"Princess, please!" I hear someone beg.

I look around, but the room is slowly being filled with blinding light.

Next thing I know, I'm not in the room anymore.

I sit up, and I realize I'm sitting on the bathroom floor with one of Adams shirts on, and my body is right next to Adam, but now he has basketball shorts on. 

I'm slightly disappointed I didn't get to finish that memory, I want to know what happened. 

"Baby! Shit! I thought I lost you!" He says, tensing up. 

I slowly make my way to him, and sit in his lap.

"I remember," I whisper quietly.

"What?" He asks, tentatively. 

"I remember being kidnapped." I say, and start to cry.

His happiness is immediately wiped off of his face and he picks me up, carrying me back to his bed.

He puts me down, and grabs his phone off of the nightstand, dialing someones number.

"Jaylin, call Michael. Tell him I'm coming for him and Angelo, and I will take them down. No matter what the cost is."


Okay, so would you rather be in the Red Vipers or the Black Roses?

Yeah Michael is a bitch, but he's kinda hot. 


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