Chapter 5

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*Adam's P.O.V* (Surprise!)

I walk off of her porch and get in my car, sitting there for a second.

Why did I just kiss her? I'm so stupid! She can't get involved with me!

I start my car, and pull out on to the street.

Stepping on the gas pedal, I hear my engine hum and I don't really care how fast I'm going.

I have to get her out of my head, and focus on my gang.

My phones ringtone goes off, and without taking my eyes off of the road, I reach over accept the call.

"This better be fucking important," I snarl in to the phone.

"He's asking to speak with you, boss." Jaylin says, trying to hide the curiosity and worry in his voice.

"Tell him I'm on my way and to chill the fuck out. Then leave. I don't want you there without backup." And with that I hang up and throw my phone in to the back seat.

I don't understand why Michael wants to speak with me.

We have an agreement.

We'll be fine as long as he stays in his own territory.

We generally have our meetings in an old factory that I'm close to so I drive there.

I pull my car up to the curb beside the old abandoned factory and turn my car off.

This is where our meeting will be held, right?

"Dammit!" I yell, and hit the steering wheel repeatedly.

I open the door, hop out, and slam it shut.

Taking a deep breath, I walk up the stairs and in to the factory.

"What the fuck do you want Michael." I say as I see him sitting at a broken table in the front room.

He looks over at me and smiles, his white teeth shining.

"Ya know, last night at a bar, one of my guys, Carlos, was talking to a girl. Black hair, blue eyes, about a foot shorter then you, and he says that you come in and threaten to kill him, and that she's yours." He says.

"You have it all wrong. He was trying to rape her. I saved her. That was all there was to it. What do you want from me?" I state.

Well I guess she's already involved with me.

"I want the girl." He says with a smirk.

I stare at him, emotionless.

There is no way in hell he is getting Brittany.

"Over my dead body." I spit.

"That can be arranged." He says smugly.

I walk forward, so I'm directly in front of the table, and glare daggers at him.

"If you touch one hair on her fuckin' head, I will find you, and I will kill you. I will take your whole fuckin' gang down if I have too."

After saying that, I turn around and start to walking to the door.

Then I turn around to face him.

"Listen here, Michael. As long as I've been a gang leader we have never had problems. I mean, yeah, we have the occasional argument over territory, but nothing serious. With that being said, yes, the girl is mine. We all know who the stronger gang is, and lord HELP me, if you somehow fuck my relationship with her up, I will come after your gang. You tell Carlos and all of your other members, to stay the fuck away from her. She is off fucking limits. Got it?" I say menacingly.

"So, she's just out of my limit? I can do whatever I want, and so can my gang, Adam. You won't do anything. You're just a bitch, trying to seem tough." He says, but I see the hesitance in his eyes.

"Really Carlos? My gang might not start a lot of shit but let me tell you this, when we start shit, we end it. And we never lose a fight. I'm not telling you what you can and can not do, but just know, if you do this, I will fucking rip you limb from and limb and feed you to the fucking wolves. I will make your death long and painful. I swear to god, if I find even one of your members near her, I will end you." I say, calmly.

I see fear flash across his face, and I smirk, happy with what I have done.

He opens his mouth to say something, but I raise my hand to stop him. He stops, his mouth still open.

"I have been the gang leader for my gang since I was about 16. I'm 21 now. You do the math. I have seen and done things. Terrible things. Things that you can't even begin to imagine Michael. I have allies in places you wouldn't see coming. I'm telling you. Messing with me, or her, will be the biggest and last mistake you will ever make. If you don't think I'm being serious, try me. Do something. But you better bring your A game. I won't quit until you are dead if you go through with this Michael. Only one of us can live in that case. And just a hint, it won't be you." I spit, my gaze burning into him, my body shaking violently.

Michaels body stiffens, his eyes as wide as can be and his mouth gaping open in fear.

I smirk. 

Mission successful. 

His mouth closes, and I turn around and stride out of the building.

What am I gonna do?

How will I keep her safe?

Why do I even care?

Opening my car door, I get in and slam it shut.

Then, I turn the car on, and drive away from the curb.

He can't hurt her.

I won't let him.

Even if my whole gang ends up fighting, she will be safe.



You're welcome for Adam's P.O.V.

Two updates in one day?

Wooww, I'm amazing.

What do you thinks gonna happen?

Sorry, this is just kinda a filler chapter.

Can you find the 5sos reference?

Haha, I have to many 5sos references...

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