Chapter 18

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*Adam's P.O.V*

As I arrive at the coffee shop Angelo told us to meet him at, I feel my nerves rising.

It's not that I'm scared of meeting him.

I'm scared of what he wants to get Brittany back.

My gang is everything to me, but Brittany means so much.

She didn't ask for this.

I told her I would keep her safe and I already broke that promise.

But I know that I have to get her back.

I have to keep her safe.

No matter the cost.

Pulling open the door, I walk in and immediately spot Angelo.

He doesn't look different at all.

We make eye contact and I feel a twinge in my chest.

Dude, get it together. He betrayed you.

"Are you ok?" I hear Jaylin ask.

"Yeah. Fine. Come on." I murmur.

We walk over to where Angelo is sitting and I slide in to the seat across from him.

Jaylin sits next to me.

"Let's get this over with." I say, my voice cold.

"No pleasantries?" Angelo asks smugly.

"No. Get to the point. What do you want?" I ask.

"Well, we've decided that since you have someone we want, and we have someone you want we can just trade." Angelo says, and his eyes glint mischievously.

My throat closes up, and when Jaylin notices I'm not going to say anything he sighs.

"Who do you want?" Jaylin asks.

"We want you." Angelo asks.

I start laughing.

He has to be joking.

First he betrays me, and now he wants my other best friend?

"You've got to be kidding me." I laugh.

"Not at all. Jaylin would be a good addition to Michael's gang. You give us Jaylin and we'll give you Brittany. Sounds fair to me." He says.

"Fuck you." I say and get up from the small table.

Jaylin stays seated.

"Jay, come on."

"I would never join your gang. I'm not a back stabbing mother fucker like you are. Adam is my best friend and best friends don't betray each other. I don't care what we have to do, but we will get Brittany back. Have a wonderful day," Jaylin rants and shoots him a smile.

Then, Jaylin gets up and we leave the coffee shop.

"What are we going to do?" I ask Jaylin.

"I don't know. We'll get her back though." He says, and I can see the sincerity in his eyes.

*Brittany's P.O.V*

How long have I been in this room?

Ugh, I don't know.

Can't be longer then a couple hours.

I gently pull my hands up from the chair, trying to get the ropes to loosen, so they aren't cutting my circulation off.

I take in a deep breath and before I can chicken out, I yank my hand up, causing the rope to snap, freeing my right hand.

"Yes!" I whisper.

I stretch out my wrist, and reach over and untie my other hand.

Gently grabbing my wrist, I look at the damage the ropes have caused.

My wrists are red and slightly bloody from rubbing against the ropes so much.

I'm just glad that's the only thing that's bleeding, and that Angelo guy hasn't come back.

I mean, I have dried blood on certain places on my body, but it isn't bleeding any more.

I reach down and untie my legs before I quickly stand up.

As soon as I stand up, though, I fall right back in to the chair, extremely dizzy.

I sit there for a second, and slowly stand up, ignoring the slight dizziness I feel.

I look around the room to the only door.

Should I go out? Well I can't just wait for Angelo to come back...

With that thought, I stretch, and walk towards the door.

Slowly, I open it, cringing as it's squeaks slightly.

Peaking my head out of the door, I don't see anyone, so I walk out and look around.

I'm in a hallway and it only has one door, and it's at the end.

The walls are all white, and there are no windows, the only light coming from a dim light on the ceiling.

I walk towards the door, my heart thundering against my chest.

Once I reach the door, I slowly grab the handle.

Taking a deep breath in and holding it, I pull open the door and step out, getting ready for whatever will be there.

No one's there.

What the hell?

Its just an empty warehouse.

That's what it looks like, at least...

Why isn't someone here? Were they going to just leave me here to die?

I slowly walk towards the door that says exit, thinking about how easy it was to get out.

I open the door and walk out, being met by blinding sunlight, and a very hot and muggy day.

Shielding my eyes, I look around, seeing a highway just to the left of me, and a sign saying BatchField Street.

I know where I am! I'm only about a 45 minute walk from my house.

I smile, and start walking towards my house.

I need to call Adam and tell him I'm OK.

I search for my phone and pull it out, happy that Angelo gave it back once he was done 'Whatever the fuck he had to do.'

I dial Adams number, and when I'm about to click call, I realize I have no service.

"FUCK!" I scream and throw my hand down, my phone falling and bouncing in to the middle of the street.

"Ah, shit." I look both ways, and go to retrieve my phone, when suddenly I hear a car horn, and see head lights flash in my face.

I freeze as I see the car speeding towards me, not being able to comprehend that I'm about to get hit.

The car slams on their breaks but it's to late.

Suddenly I feel the bone crushing impact, and once again I black out.


Hey guys.

This chapter is edited and fixed.

If I missed anything let me know.

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