Chapter 13

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*Karlys P.O.V*

I'm laying in bed playing candy crush on my phone when I hear someone stumble in to the house.

I sigh and hope Britt quiets down otherwise mom is going to be mad.

I cringe as I hear her come up stairs, the steps creaking under her weight.

Holding my breath, I listen as she laughs at something (probably her phone) and wait to see if mom or dad wake up.

My breathing returns to normal, when I suddenly hear a door open and slam shut.

Is that mom? Brittany can't be that careless and slam a door!

"Why are you home so late!" I hear my mother yell, and my heart jumps to my throat.

Should I go out there and protect her?

I get out of my bed without making a sound, abandoning my game of candy crush, and slowly tip-toe to the door, pressing my ear against it.

"I-I... I ah... I was st-studying at a friends house fo-for SAT's..." She says it quietly, so quietly that I have to listen really hard to hear her.

Silence. That's all I hear for the next couple minutes.

I stay still, scared to move.

A couple minutes go by, and still silence. I'm finally about to go back and lay in bed again when I hear my mother whisper.

"You lyin' little whore."

I hear a sound, as flesh meets flesh, then I hear loud sounds getting farther and farther away.

It sounds like... Like...

She just pushed my sister down the stairs!

I quickly unlock my door, and throw my door open, walking through the doorway and glaring daggers at my mother.

"You are a monster! We have always done everything you have asked from us! We do everything! We aren't your chidren, we are your slaves. You tell us all the time that we are the worst, but maybe you should look in the mirror. How can you treat your own CHILDREN like this! We aren't the ones that are the problem," I step closer to her, and press my finger against her chest, "You are!"

She looks taken aback for a second before she slaps my right check.

My neck snaps to the side from the sudden impact, and when I look back at her, I can't contain myself anymore.

I suddenly gain a bunch of confidence.

I'm tired of her treating my sister like she doesn't mean anything.

I'm tired of being pushed around.

I tired of being looked down on.

I'm tired of being downgraded.

I'm tired of her.

Raising my fist, I punch her in the jaw.


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