Chapter 24

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*Adams P.O.V*

When I wake up the next morning, I reach over to pull Brittany back to me, but all I feel is cold sheets.

What the hell? Where is she?

I shoot out of bed and look at the time.

It says 11am.

I quickly change, worried that Angelo and Michael took her again.

They took her right out of my arms.

I run down the hallway and the stairs, taking two steps at a time.

"Brittany!" I yell, hoping she isn't gone.

"In here!" I hear a melodic voice call.

I sigh in relief and close my eyes for a second before walking in to the kitchen where she was waiting.

I can finally breath again.

I can smell bacon and eggs.

Walking behind her, I wrap my arms around her waist, and nuzzle my face in to her neck.

"You can't just disappear like that. I thought they took you again." I say.

As soon as I say it I regret it.

Brittany has forgotten everything...

You are a fuck up.

Why the fuck would you say that?

She continues to cook, but cocks her head at what I said.

"Uhm... Who took me? Again?" She mumbles, turning around in my arms to look up at me.

I cringe and slightly back away, before turning completely and sitting down at the table.

"Uhh... Finish the food and I'll explain everything," I mumble.

Should I tell her? Or should I make something up?

No, she deserves to know the truth.

She nods her head, worriedly, and turns back around.

Finally, after about 10 agonizing minutes of her finishing the food, she puts food on two plates, and gives me one, sitting across from me with her own plate.

"So, explain." She says, pushing her eggs around with her fork.

I clear my throat slightly not knowing where to begin to explain how fucked up the situation is.

She's gonna leave you, you fucktard.

I run my hand through my hair, before placing my arms on the table and leaning my head in my hands, looking any where but at her.

How come every time something good happens to me I always mess it up?

"Well... I have to explain it from the beginning, I guess. So, we only met about a week or so before you got hit... We moved extremely fast. I mean, we had basically just met and we had already kissed, had heated make out sessions, sleeping in the same bed, girlfriend and boyfriend..." I trailed off before sighing and continuing.

"We just had a connection ever since we met. We met at a bar... I saw you from across the room and was going to talk to you, but I saw someone drag you out of the building. I followed, of course, and the guy was trying to rape you... I knew the guy... I'll explain that part later. I basically stopped him, like I already told you. Anyways, you let me take you to get hot chocolate and we just had a connection. You didn't have anywhere to stay because of your parents,so I offered for you to stay here. After a while, you agreed." I paused to take a breath, and shot her a smile.

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