Chapter 2

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*Brittany's P.O.V*

Once at the school, I pull in to a parking spot, and park my car.

I look over at Karly.

"You ready?" I ask.

She just nods slightly and sighs.

Don't worry Karly, I feel the same way.

I take the keys out of the ignition, and open the door to my baby.

I slowly slide off of her black leather seats, and shut the door behind me, clicking the lock button as I turn to walk away.

Yes, I know, the way I describe my car sounds pretty intimate, but she's just such a good car. 

Anyways, I wish I could just go home, and not have to be at this place.

But home isn't better. It's worse actually.

I look over at Karly and smile as she runs over to her friend Casey and hugs her.

Karly and me are exact opposites.

She's popular, I'm not.

She has blonde hair, I have black hair.

She's 5'6, I'm 5'2.

She is really talkative, I keep to myself.

She has curly hair, and mine is straight, for the most part. 

She's 14 and I'm 18.

She's happy, I'm depressed.

She's strong, I'm weak.

She's not broken, I'm broken.

There's a lot of more things that I could go on about but I won't bore you to death.

The only thing even remotely similar is our eyes.

We both have blue eyes, but hers are a baby blue and mine are a dark blue.

When I see my best friends Alice and Rebecca, I smile.

Alice has short curly brown hair, freckles, and gorgeous green eyes.

Rebecca has long straight blonde hair, glasses, and pretty brown eyes.

I run over and jump on Alice's back making her squeal.

"Oh my goodness!" She screams as she turns around and tries to shake me off.

I just laugh and cling on as tight as I can until she stops moving and I can safety get off.

I start to laugh even harder at her facial expression and she glares at me.

If looks could kill, I'd so be dead right now.

I laugh at my thoughts and turn around to enter the school.

As I make it in to school, I already dread my classes.

I have math first, and I absolutely HATE math.

After math, I have English, then US studies, science, lunch, art, and to finish off my amazing (note the sarcasm) day, I have gym.

I suck at gym. I can't play sports at all.

The only sport I'm actually good at is volleyball, and we already finished that unit so now I'm screwed.

Basically in gym all I do is stand around and do nothing, or make a fool of myself and get embarrassed. 

I walk over to my locker and open it, stuffing all of my books in it besides my math book and binder.

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