Chapter 14

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*Brittanys P.O.V*

I'm awoken to the sexiest voice alive.

I don't open my eyes right away, but my head is pounding.

I feel someone shake me and I groan and open my eyes, blinding myself because of the light.

What the hell happened?

"Hey baby girl, are you ok?" Adam is kneeling in front of the bed I'm on, and I can't help but to notice that his eyes are red and puffy.

Wait, Adam? Why is he here?

"Were you crying?" My voice comes out shaky, and I look around at my surroundings.

I'm laying in Adams bed.

How did I get here? I can't remember anything after getting home.

He blushes when I look back at him.

"Uh... Ye-yeah..." He mumbles.

Did Adam just blush?

"Oh," I say, not knowing what else to say.

I look away from his breathtaking green eyes.

"Why am I here? I don't remember anything," I say quietly.

He gently touches my chin and pushes it up so I'm looking in to his eyes.

Ugh, his eyes make me want to pull him on to this bed and make out with him.

"How much do you remember?" He says sadly, and he looks upset.

I just shake my head.

"Not much honestly. I remember getting home and texting you as I walked up the stairs," I say, "I laughed at something you said..."

As I say this I slowly start to remember.

"My mom came out of her room, and we got in to a fight... She slapped me and I think I fell down the stairs. Maybe she pushed me, I'm not sure. Then I passed out, and woke up here."

That explains the headache.

He nods and smiles sympathetically.

He gets up, and lays down on the bed next to me, pulling me into his chest.

I tense up at first but then relax in to his gentle touch.

I put my leg over his, and rest my face on his chest listening to his heart beat.

He sighs.

"I wish I would have thought about what you told me a little more. I would have done something about it." He says wistfully.

I shake my head.

"It's not your fault. I should have been quieter, I guess." I respond.

"You shouldn't be beaten for not being quiet. Karly told me about everything that happened. I could have protected you Brittany! None of this would have happened!" He shouts angrily.

Has he always had this bad of mood swings?

I lean up trying to look at him but my head starts hurting worse and I slowly lay back down.

He looks at me with regret.

"I'm sorry Princess, I just got upset... You ok?" He says, genuinely worried.

This is strange. No one has ever really cared about me except Karly.

I nod my head and close my eyes.

He snakes his arm around my waist and pulls me close to him again, and I rest my head against his chest.

I open my eyes, and look at him, noticing he was already looking at me.

Smiling slightly I kiss the side of his lips.

I pull back and he smirks at me.

Suddenly, he pulls me on top of him so I'm straddling him.

"What is it with you always wanting me to straddle you, gosh." I tease.

"I just like it Princess."

Ugh that nick name.

I lean down and hastily bring my lips to his.

He kisses back almost immediately, and licks my bottom lip asking for entrance, which I gladly grant.

Our tongues meet, and he flips us over so he's on top, his weight being held up by his arm that's resting near my head.

I grab the bottom of his shirt and pull it over his head, throwing it across the room.

What am I doing? This isn't right.

He removes his lips from mine, and starts to kiss down my neck, and stops near my collar bone.

No, I have to make him stop. I'm not ready.

He lightly sucks, and I moan quietly, knowing that he's probably leaving a mark and I'll have to cover it in the morning.

He stops sucking on my neck and goes back to my lips.

His hands start moving over my body, lightly running up my thighs until he reaches the bottom of my dress.

He tugs on the bottom of it asking permission and I nod my head.

He doesn't need to be told twice.

He lifts the dress over my head, and throws it somewhere across the room.

Then he looks down at me, and I suddenly feel really vulnerable.

"You're gorgeous," he mumbles and his voice is coated in desire.

I smirk up at him, wrapping my hands around his neck, and bringing his lips down the meet mine again.

This time the kiss is rough, demanding, and heated.

Extremely heated.

His hand starts slowly moving up my thigh, almost reaching my black lacy underwear.

"Do you want to, uh... Can we?" He questions, then starts lightly kissing my neck again, making me moan again.

"Ye-Yes, I'm ready." I mumble out, before his lips meet mine once again.

His hand finally reaches my underwear and just as he's about to take them off his door opens to reveal a disgusted Karly.

"Ewh, what the hell! Gross!" She screams as she covers her eyes.

Adam quickly pulls the blanket over us, and looks mad.

"What do you want." He questions.

"I wanted to know where I'm sleeping. It's 11:30." She glared at me.

"Oh... I'll show you in a second, as soon as I ah-"

Karly raises a hand stopping him.

"Ok." She says, and walks out closing the door behind her.

He gives me an apologetic look and slips out of the bed, putting his shirt back on, and walking out of the room.

Well, I guess that killed the mood...


Hey guys,

This chapter is edited and fixed.


I love you guys vv much.

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