Chapter 25

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*Brittanys P.O.V*

I can't believe what he just told me...

How could I not remember that?

I guess it's a good thing I don't.

I slowly release his shirt, and take a step back, looking in to his gorgeous emerald green eyes.

He smiles, then hops off of the seat he was on.

"Ok, are you ready? I have a lot planned for us." He says.

"Hell no I'm not ready! Do you see what I look like?" I look down then back up at him.

"Yeah, I guess you are a little over dressed." He winks at me and my mouth drops.

"Wait, how do you know I want to do anything with you?" I tease, and smirk up at him.

Damn him, why does he have to be so tall?

"I don't but I'm a gang leader, you don't have a choice. You have," He checks his phone, "10 minutes. It's 10:50. Hurry up. Our plans are at 11:15." He says, then starts playing on his phone.

I run up stairs, and into his room.

Quickly look around for something of mine to wear, I see a pink suitcase in the corner.

I swear this wasn't here before...

Assuming it's mine, I open it and sigh in relief as I see girl clothes.

Well, if this is my stuff I have pretty great style.

I quickly dig through it, before finding a black muscle shirt that says All Time Low in red letters.

Along with that shirt, I find a red and black flannel, a black sports bra, and black ripped skinny jeans.

I pull it on and look at myself, happy with my appearance.

Checking the time, I realize I only have 5 minutes left.

I run in to the bathroom and brush my black hair again.

I already brushed my teeth when I woke up this morning, so I don't worry about that, and just put some gum in.

I run my hand through my hair a couple of times, and put on some black eyeliner, and mascara.

I smile, and run out of the bathroom, grabbing my phone and wallet and shoving it in to my back pocket.

I haven't checked my phone since the accident but apparently my best friends weren't allowed to come visit me.

The doctors wouldn't let them.

I sigh, I can't believe I have to make completely new memories and connections with my friends.

I run down the steps and see Adam standing at the bottom.

I jump on him, and because of the unexpected impact, we both fall to the floor.

I start laughing hysterically and he just looks at me like I'm crazy, before starting to laugh as well.

We finally stop laughing and stand up.

I take in his appearance and practically drool.

He is so hot.

He has on black skinny jeans, a red t-shirt, and a leather jacket.

I stare at him and imagine all of the things I could do to h-

"Can we go? Or are you not done eye raping me? And by the way, I promise I didn't mean to match you, it just kind of happened..." He smirks at me, and I quickly look away, embarrassed that I had been caught staring.

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