Chapter 19

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I was half heartedly staring at something on my excelled brightness laptop screen. maybe...nope. Tiana, no. You will not get into this. You cannot just barge into his room, demanding he say something about this whole situation.

I could...

But I won't. He doesn't want me to get involved. And I wont. Right? Right.

I hugged the pillow tightly to my body, contemplating between getting up, or pretending to sleep. You see, it was a bright Sunday morning, and I was still sitting here. I lazily reached to my nightstand, my fingers barely grasping the smooth feel of my phone. I shifted a little further, letting out a small contemplating sigh when it cooperated and didn't fall off.

Hang on. I swear my phone was downstairs yesterday. Maybe I am just tripping.

I was planning on texting April and asking her if she would like to pay a trip to the mall. We usually do that. And depending in how long we take, we usually take lunch or dinner at the downtown restaurant. The skillet brownie sundae though...

Okay. Stop craving food. I selected my outfit for the day and decided to join Carol and maybe Alec downstairs. Rolling up my sleeves, I added finishing touches to my neutral make-up look, and then left for downstairs.

Stop. Iam forgetting something. Ooh. I need to text April. I pulled out my phone amd sent April a quick text.

Tiana- Hey April. You doing anything today?

I waited for her reply, which usually comes pretty fast.

April- Nope. I am as free as America.
Tiana- Great! Want to go to the mall?
April- Sounds awesome! I'll meet you at your house in an hour?
Tiana- Not my house... I'll fill you with deets later. How about yours?
April- That works too.
Tiana- Okay. Have to go eat breakfast now. See you in a bit! :)
April- You too, girlie. Bye :)

I smiled at my phone, before slipping it in the small purse that rested upon my side. I entered the kitchen, and greeted Carol the moment I set foot in there.
"Good morning, Carol." I addressed.
"Good morning, Tiana." Carol smiled, "How was your sleep?"
"Refreshing, I guess." I joked, sitting on the barstool.
"That's great, hun. How does breakfast sound ?"
"Sounds amazing. "

She broadly smiled at me, sliding a generous amount of fruit salad on my plate. I thanked her and took a piece of bread off the ceramic plate. Expensive... they must be hard workers. I thoughtfully admired the detailing while stabbjng my fork into some cantaloupe.

"Good morning, sweetheart," Carol greeted her son, as Alec walked downstairs.
"Morning, Alec," I gave him a grin, making him turn to me and raise an eyebrow.
"Morning, mom, good morning, baby doll, " Alec replied casually, sliding on the barstool next to me.
Alec was...large. His legs barely fit into the small place under the counter. Not in a fat way. I mean muscular. With broad shoulders, a tall 6"2 frame, and long legs. Not to mention the well sculpted cheekbones, and the chisled jawline. But you know what? He looked like a sweet guy.
...At times.
Although, I didn't miss the tingle that shot through my body when his knee lightly brushed my thigh, as he shifted more into the barstool, adjusting himself.
"Baby doll?" Carol repeated in disbelief but it was quickly replaced with a mischievous smile, "That's cute."
Oh no.
"Mom," Alec gave a warning tone, making Carol stifle her laughter.
"What, son? I'm simply saying it's cute. "She sent a somewhat discreet wink to me, intending that Alec would see it.
"You wouldn't put an alternate meaning behind your words. " Alec retorted, an agitated tone leaking into his voice.
"I am not! " she surrendered jokingly, making a giggle.
Alec turned to me, and gave me a glare. I shrugged playfully, and placed a grape into my mouth.
"I've never heard you call a girl that," Carol started again, flipping a pancake skillfully, "well except when you were little. "
She remarked, a smirk that was much like Alec's sneaking onto her face.
"Do not, mother. Do. Not!" Alec protested, his eyes widening in surprise.
Carol continued anyway. "Chased a poor girl all over the park. With dandelion which she claimed to be allergic to," Carol chuckled, sliding a pancake onto Alec's plate while he glowered with a slighy pout on his lips.

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