Chapter 2

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 “I can’t believe you just did that.” April hissed, tightly holding onto my arm and dragging me down the hallway. I was quite whilst I was dragged down the hall, because I didn’t want to open my mouth and make her more upset. I can say that Ii don’t cuss. But I just have a really big mouth.

 I silently watched as she shoved the bathroom door close. “What were you thinking?” She demanded, pacing back and forth. I stayed quite again. “God damn, answer me woman!” she shook my shoulders violently and I flinched back. “Oh, sorry.” She apologized, and then proceeded to talk. “I can’t believe you bothered THE Alec Duke.”

 Sighing I swung my legs. “Are you even listening?” she questioned, placing her hands on her hips. Stay quiet, Tee. It’s better for you to stay quite while she rages. Fear the wrath of April Smith, Tiana. I giggled silently to myself.

 But instead of saying that a loud and getting her more upset, I just gave her a nod, and continued to fiddle with my hair.

 "Do you know the gossip that’s going around?” she asked running her hand through her blond hair. I shook my head, eyeing her carefully. After watching her pace around like a mad fool, I spoke up. “Can we get lunch?”

 She gave me an ‘are-you-kidding’ look, before nodding. I happily jumped off the counter and bounced all the way to the cafeteria.


I hummed to myself, pushing open the door. I was quite surprise that my mom wasn’t home yet, she usually was here by the time i got home.Avery immediately scampered over me, his tail wagging excitedly, practically begging me to pet him. I bent down, and took his face in my hands. “My day was terrible.” I sighed. Oh great. Now I am speaking to a dog.

 I shook my head at my pathetic life, and then continued. “Some people need to give themselves a reality check.” I heaved another sigh, and stood up. Pouring some dog food in his bowl, I went upstairs to do some homework.

 My phone began to ring, and I groaned.


 The odds aren’t in my favour today.

 I dejectedly pressed the answer button, and pushed the phone against my ear. “Hello?’ I tapped my foot, waiting for the person to respond. “Aye, Tee! How you doing?” Jaden chirped, probably doing something out of ordinary.

 “Hey Jaden.” I responded, flipping a page in my math text book. “Not so excited to hear me, are you?” He joked. Jaden Reed is my cousin. I haven’t seen him in a while, but he usually calls to check in on me. “Eh, just a tiring day.” I yawned, sitting up on my bed, “So what’s new?”

 “Er, that brings me to the reason why I am calling...” he trailed off, I could hear the panic in his voice.

 “Yes?” I prompted.

 “I met this girl...her name is Cece.” He continued, “She’s nice, pretty, and kind and- I ruined it with her.”

 “What did you do?” I demanded, working out a problem in my notebook.

 “I-well- I kind of ditched her at a party.”

 “How do you ‘kind of’ ditch someone?” I raised an eyebrow, even though he couldn’t see me.

 “Whatever! I just feel bad.” He let out a deep, audible breath, expressing his sadness.

 “Well you should never leave a girl alone. She’ll think that you are not interested in her, and it will hurt even more if you leave her without mentioning a reason.” I explained, using a pointed tone towards Jaden.

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