Chapter 24

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Yeah, thanks Alec. Leave me out here to fend for myself. During a school day. Might I mention that no one else is with me today? I let out a breath of air, toying with my curled hair. 'Let's skip,' He says, 'It will be fun,' He says.

I do not get it. I just don't. he's upset with me for running into Jace? Or is he upset with me because of that photo? Sometimes, I feel as if men get periods, and they PMS just like women.

Whatever, back on topic. About that picture... that picture... was so, so, so, so, so real. I'm good with computers. I would know if it was photo-shopped.

And it definitely wasn't.

It was all too familiar though. The background of that picture was so captivating to me. it just swept my attention away, because I had seen it before. i had seen it all before. how come I don't remember? I rubbed my forehead, trying to soothe my tense muscles. Relax, Tiana. You'll look into it later.

Right now, I didn't want to go back inside the house. I didn't want to face angry Alec. Angry Alec is something I didn't want to deal with.

i whipped out my Samsung, expecting a billion texts from April. Strangely enough, there was none. Zilch. Zip. Zero. I raised an eyebrow in utter confusion. Wouldn't she be blasting me about the importance of attending school? attending school is important, folks. Unless a certain someone named Alec Asher, or Alec Duke r, whatever the heck his name is, pleads you to skip, and then leaves you.

I pity the girls he has done that already.

I kicked a stone across the side, fuming. Why is he so upset with me?! Boys are so confusing.

I sucked in a breath, and turned around to look at the vacant road. I ran my fingers along the stone of my necklace, tugging it slightly. I guess I could just head to the small bistro at the far end of the block. Where else could I go anyway? The mall?

Yes, because that worked so well last time.

I half heatedly trudged through the small pathway, avoiding the looks of strangers who were sending me disapproving looks. Well, they can go stick a pole up their butt. They can try dealing with Alec Duke.


I pushed open the heavy glass door, still a little annoyed at the lack of my strength. But coming to this bistro every week almost, really helped. All because of that one particular glass door. I've been living here since I was a small girl. this place was home. almost like home. I walked up to the slick granite counters, eyes roaming the order board aimlessly. I had tried almost every coffee here. Which one now?

Even though i just ate, i might as well get a drink or something.

"One small French Vanilla coffee, please." I requested politely, drumming my fingers on the counter.

"Woah, Tiana?" asked a familiar voice.

Huh? Is that?

I turned around, "Jackson?"

"Uh, hey." Jackson gave me an uncertain grin, "What are you doing ere? I mean...on a school day?"

"Just...feeling under the weather." I briefly coughed, and silently face palmed at my utter fake excuse.

"Oh." Was all he said.

I couldn't tell him about my read predicament.

it was thick with awkward for a short while, until i broke it. "What are you doing here?" I asked, thanking the lady and picking up my small cup of beverage from the counter.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2016 ⏰

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