Chapter 17

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" Get up." Ordered Alec, twirling his keys in his hands.

Who does he think he is? Ordering me around? That jerk!

"Excuse me?" I raised an eyebrow, looking up from my book.

"You heard me. Get up. We're going out." He sighed, and then muttered, "and I thought she was smart."

The blood boiled inside me, and I restrained myself from hitting him. "Well excuse me, Mr . I-think-I-can-order-everyone-around-because-I-am-a-conceited-mongrel, but I rather stay here." I countered , turning back to my book.

I heard him chuckle, and his footsteps were sounded near me. "Don't you want to see my friends again?"


He scoffed, and sat down on the foot of my bed, staring at me.

"Go away, Duke."

"I like to bother you."

"well I don't like you."

"That's a shame."

"Yes it is."

"Get your ass up, before I take your book and burn it." Alec threatened, sporting a what might be a menacing glare, but to be he just looked constipated. I giggled at his face , and then returned back to reading. He thinks he can get whatever he wants, whenever he wants. Well, I'll teach the spoilt brat a lesson. He cannot, ever-

Alec grabbed my book, with the most gallant smirk etched on his face. "Alec, give it." I demanded, not in any joking mood.

"I warned you," he tauntingly smiled, waving my book in front of his face.

"You want it? Come and get it."

"I just want my book!" I whined, jutting out my bottom lip.

"And the book you shall get. After you come with me." He simpered.

"No, I just want it now!"

I persisted, uncrossing my legs and leaning across the bed to grab my book from Alec's hands.

"Only if you say one thing,"

"What is it?"

"Say that I want to fuck Alec Duke, because he's the sexiest guy ever,"

"I refuse to say such foul words."

"Then I refuse to return your book."

I gripped my hair frustratedly. Does he really wanna play this game? Ughh, Alec duke, I hate you so much!

"Just give me back my book." I complained, still trying to reach for it. Alec was leaning slightly back, holding my book in air.

"Naah, I think I'll keep it." He teased, the prominent grin still not wavering.

I groaned in frustration, and tried to reach for it, still keeping myself sturdy.

"Oh my gosh, Alec! Fine ! I'll come!" I huffed, "Just give me my book back!" That manipulative jerk!

"That's the answer I wanted to hear! Now hurry up and get dressed." He tossed my book back to me, and I ended up missing. I have no athletic abilities.

"Stop telling me what to do."

"Stop refusing everything I tell you to do."

"I refuse to be treated like a dog."

I am not treating you like a dog. I'm simply telling you to get dressed."

"And I am simply refusing your orders."

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