Chapter 4

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Stirring awake from the great amount of sleep I had last night, note the sarcasm.

 My cupcake had then fell to the ground, and I sulked the rest of the night.

 That wasn’t exciting.

 At all.

 So, it’s Saturday morning and i am still laying in bed, dreading the fact that they are moving in tomorrow. I slipped out my trusty phone, and sent a text to April.

 ‘You doing anything today?’


 I hit send, and awaited the instant reply.

 ‘No, sorry. I have to help at the bakery today.’


 I sighed, and placed in on my night stand. Yup, I have no luck. Zero. Nada. Zilch. Nothing.

 I decided to go and get ready to take on the day. So I hopped into the bathroom, got ready. I got dressed, skipping downstairs for breakfast. The house was all mine, so I was more than happy to blast music and hop around the house like a rabid animal.

Moving my eyes around the vacant house, i came across a note on the fridge with neat handwriting.

   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 


 Me and your mother are working today,

 We’ll be out till night.

 Jeremy will come over today at 10:00,

 Make sure to be ready.

 Love you,

 Mom & Dad

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Jaden would be coming! I literally jumped for joy. Well, he was my favourite cousin, of course. Other than Daniel Reed. Daniel is 5 years old, and he’s a real hit with the ladies. He’s the cutest thing. Last time I saw him, I had to pick him up from school. He hid behind my legs, because he was scared of the girls. I chuckled at the memory. The kid was so cute.

 A knock on the door shoved me straight out of my thoughts, and I jogged over to it, swinging the door open. “Tiana!” Jaden greeted, enveloping me in a big warm hug. “Jaden!” I smiled, hugging him tightly.

 “How’s Daniel?” I asked him, watching his smile morph into a frown.

 “More interested in Daniel than me?” He frowned, running a hand through his brown hair.

 “Yes.” I answered bluntly, and he scoffed.

 I enjoyed the look on his face, before speaking again. “I am joking, Jad.” I giggled.

 “Daniel’s fine.” He replied, pursing his lips.

 I slapped the back of his head, “Quit being like that Jaden.”

 He chuckled, walking into the kitchen.

 I sat on the counter, watching him look for something in the fridge.

 “What, no Starbust?” He furrowed his eyebrows, looking at me.

 “We ran out one or two days ago.”

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