Chapter 11

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I lifted up in my bed and stretched, not very hyped to go to school. You see, that pathetic horror movie Alec bugged me to see, was giving me nightmares. I slid my legs off my bed.

Wait a minute. Bed? I feel asleep last night on couch...

...with Alec.

Oh shoot! I cringed, and ran my fingers through my hair. Oh no. That means...

God grief.

This cant be. I sighed, going to get dressed. Well, at least he’s gone.

After getting dressed, I pet Avery and was on my way outside. Alec wasn’t waiting for me outside with his motorcycle, which was strange. But not that I’m complaining of course. I’m enjoying a day without being bothered. And with that being said and done, I skipped happily to school, without a care in the world.

Approaching the school buildings, I came across the familiar voices of Travis Gray and Luke Hale. They were talking to April near my locker. Hmm, they’ve seemed to have taken an interest in her. Well, if it’s anything like mine and Alec’s situation, then I pity the poor girl. I made my way over to them, spinning the dial of my lockers.

“Tee! Hey,” greeted April, with a smile on her face. “Hey.” I grinned. “Hey, nerd. Have you seen Chase or Alec?” asked Travis, the minute my locker swung open. “Nope.” I shook my head, pulling some books out. Travis glanced at Luke.

“I hope he hasn’t done something stupid.” Travis muttered.

“He’s not you, Travis.” Luke retorted.

“Ha, ha, ha,” Travis laughed sarcastically, “Very funny.”

“By the way, what was towards the attitude towards Jackson?” April inquired, looking at both Travis and Luke.

I took one step away, afraid that they might do the same exact thing Alec did.

Luke just shifted, and turned to Travis who just shook his head. “I can’t say.’’

April just nodded, turning around to push some books in her locker. There was a moment of silence before I decided to break it. “Alec told me almost the same thing,” I stared at the floor, “I don’t even know what’s the big deal. He’s not a bad guy.” “He’s not,” l whispered, “someone else is.”

“Look Tiana. We honestly can’t tell u. And if we could, we would. I don’t feel like going cliché on you and saying that ‘it’s not in my place to tell you’, but that’s the case.” Travis sighed, before running a hand through his hair. “Speak of the devil,” Travis muttered, as Jackson was walking down the hall towards us.

“Well, i should get going.” April smiled, “Bye Tee, bye Travis, bye Luke.” She waved, and turned to the direction of her mom’s office. “We should go, she might suspect something.” I heard Luke whisper. “Are you crazy? We can’t leave her here with him,” Travis stated with distaste, “she doesn’t know yet, and neighter does Jackson.”

They were having a ‘silent’ conversation. Haha, i crack myself up. I can hear them, but i really don’t wanna tell them. I pretended to be focused in trying to shove something in my locker. I need to know what happened with Alec and Jackson.

“She doesn’t suspect anything, let’s leave it at that.”

“So? Let’s go! We could just watch them around the corner.”

“Whatever, Luke.”

“Okay, Tiana, we have to go. Tell us if you see Alec or Chase.” Travis told me with an obstinate finality, scooting down the hall with Luke protesting about something by his side.

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