Chapter 22

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"You're kidding me right?"

"One hundred percent sure. No kidding whatsoever, baby doll."

"I refuse to get on that."

"You, don't have a choice."

He had been forcing me to get on the death trap since we walked out the door. I pleaded with him to take the car instead, but he claimed the bike made him look like a, 'bad rear end'. And also because he seemed to enjoy torturing me. What other choice did I have, anyway.

"If I die, it's on you." I finally obliged, cautiously approaching Alec's monster of a bike.

"You won't die. And to ensure that, I got you something." He smirked, opening the compartment of his bike.

"Huh?" I raised an eyebrow.

He produced a dark red helmet, and held it up for me to see. "You won't crack your head open." Was what he said.

"What about you?"

"I don't need it. Just come here."

I walked over to him, as he stood up. His hands gripped the helmet, and he slowly set it on my head. His long fingers reached to fasten it, lightly brushing my chin in the process. I felt his cool breath on my cheek as he furrowed his eyebrows in concentration. It faintly clicked, and he grinned.

"There you go! All better." He announces, mounting his bike, "Are you going to get on, or not?"

I took a deep breath, and lifted one leg over the bike. "Thanks, sweety." I slightly smiled.

"You're welcome. But don't call me that." He scoffed, his verdant green eyes twinkling.

I securely wrapped my arms around him, pressing my feet onto the pedal.

"Hang on."


"Here we are." Alec declared, as the bike finally came to a slow stop.

"Where are we?" I inquired, gazing at the vintage looking diner.

We had been driving for a little while now. I think we were somewhere on the outskirts of town. The down area gave me a nice feeling, and I'm surprised I haven't been here before. I didn't realize I was still on the bike, staring in awe at everything around us, until Alec placed his hands on my waist, lifting me up and onto the floor.

"Stop doing that!" I demanded.

"You were being too slow. I was just speeding up the process." He winked subtly, his hands reaching for my face.

"It's okay. I've got it," I told him, placing my fingers on the latch. I tugged on it, trying to unclip the helmet. How does Alec do this? I tried several times, while Alec just watched me in amusement. I let out a huff, a bit annoyed with this.

"Any day now," He pretended to sigh, tapping his foot.

"I uh," I smiled sheepishly, cheeks tinting pink, "Can you help me?"

"With what?" He teasingly drawled.

I groaned. "The helmet, of course!"

He chuckled, and lifted his fingers to unlatch it. It came off in a second, and the smug look appeared on his handsome face.

Show off.

I mumbled a thank you, and handed the dark helmet to him. He placed it in the compartment, and we began to walk towards the door of the diner. "I used to come here." Alec suddenly stated, "It's a nice place. To think and all."

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