Chapter 6

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I finished straightening my hair, and fixing up my outfit for the horrid of Monday. Why couldn't the week just start on Tuesday?

Oh, right. Then everyone would hate Tuesdays.

Poor Avery was locked up the last night. That's why he wasn't around. Besides, i don't think he would have liked Alec anyway. Speaking of Alec, the annoying mongrel added me back into the chat. I grimaced and then pressed exit. I had repeated this about 20 times.

Don't need to think twice about ditching one of the most popular guys in our school.

Well,when you put it this way...

Ha! Tricked ya!

I would never want to get involved with them.

But I don't think that's my decision to make.

Since I have the worst of luck, I shall forever hate the day Alec Duke was born.

I said goodbye to mom and dad, and Avery, and then set off the extravagant journey to the boring school building.

Of course, i was forgetting something.

"Hey, baby doll!"

And that was the fact that Alec Duke was my neighbour.

I mentally groaned, and kept walking. No distractions, "Your mom said you'd show me the way to school from here!"

Alec yelled after me. No distractions, "Remember the Silverado!"

That was enough to make me turn around, and stomp all the way angrily to him. "What do you want, Duke." I folded my arms across my chest, and tapped my foot impatiently. "I stated what i wanted earlier." He paused, "You." Oh goodness.

I scoffed and turned around. He chuckled and gripped my arm, sinning me back around. Good gosh, has he ever heard of personal space? He needs to be sat down, -no scratch that-, chained down to a chair, and then he needs to be given a thorough lesson of what personal space is, and how it affects a person.

"My bike's in the shop. So, i want you to show me the route to school from here." He started, ruffling my done up hair. Not him too...

It's worse enough having one guy in the family do this. And now I have an obnoxious neighbour doing that as well. I hate this. I hate my life!

I slapped his hand away, and he just smirked.

"Fine," I sighed, "follow me."

"To where? Your bedroom?"

I turned around, and gave him the coldest stare I could muster.

That shut him up for a bit. Or at least the walk to the school.

Dirty minded freak.


"Aye, Travis!" Alec had yelled out to one of his friends. Oh, I have heard of Travis Gray. He's part of Alec's little group. Along with two other guys. Like I said, I never had spoken to them, or gotten involved with them. I'm nowhere near the popular radar. And speaking of which, I should get out of here before i attract any attention.

I spun around to walk away, and almost made it two steps away from his boring group, until Alec gripped my arm and dragged me back.

"Let me go!" I protested, attempting to go away. If I was strong, I'd punch him. But i am not in violence.

"You make it seem like I am some kind of disease!"

"Because you are some type of disease!"

That earned me an amused snort from Travis Gray.

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