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A/N: Lynn's outfit is in the external link. Shauna's is the photo over on the right :)

This chapter has some Zeke/Shauna, so if you like them together it's you're lucky day I guess haha

Original chapter title: 2 Months Pass By and It's Getting (Really) Cold

"You're going to kill someone!" I shout at Zeke with a laugh, punching him in the arm. We're just going inside to the formal.

"Let's hope that lucky person is my brother." He grins, kissing me on the cheek. I shake my head and hand a student council member my ticket. Zeke gives them his and wheels me into the gym.

"Go dance with someone." I tell him.

"No way. You're my date."

"Well, you can't slow dance with someone in a wheelchair."

"I can deal." I look up at him, surprised. "What?"

"Nothing. I-I just-" I sigh. "Why do you still insist on going to dances with me?"

"You know why."

"No, I don't. I can't walk, I can't dance with you. I can't do anything." Zeke kneels down in front of me, and I struggle to blink back tears. Dammit, I always get so emotional about this shit. Damn accident. Thanks to it, I can't do anything because I'm fucking paralyzed.

"You can do more than you give yourself credit for." I shake my head and look away from him. "Hey, look at me. I know that you'll get over this."

" 'This' what? The fact that I can't walk?"

"No, I think you'll be able to walk some day. They said there's a chance, and I'm positive that you will."

"But how? I-"

"You're strong, Shauna." He cuts me off. "Your heart stopped for five minutes. Five minutes. And then you came back."

"But what if I can't?" I ask, sounding like a three-year-old. My voice is choked up and I'm struggling to keep the tears back. I'm not sure if it's because I don't want to cry in front of everyone- especially not him- or if it's because I don't want to ruin the makeup that Myra and I spent an hour working to perfect. "What if I never walk again?"

"Then we'll figure something out." He assures me. "We always have, and we always will. I promise." And just like that, I don't want to cry anymore. I give him a smile. God, I hope he doesn't ever leave me.

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