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Original chapter title: Ready, Set, LEAVE

"You look... nice." Uriah seems nervous, for the first time in what feels like forever. I can't really remember the last time he was this nervous.

"Thanks." I reply quietly. "You too." I take his hand and lead him into the gym, smiling every now and then at people. Once we're inside the gym, Uriah decides to lead me over to a far corner. The lights are dim, and when the light catches my sparkly blue flats-ugh- or the sparkles on my bright blue dress-double ugh- it lights up the corner. 

"Why are we here?" I ask.

"It's a dance." He says sarcastically.

"I meant in the corner, smartass." I smack him playfully.

"Didn't you always want to be squished in a corner with your stupid boyfriend?" I turn to see Molly, Peter, and Drew sneering at us. In a pink dress, Molly really isn't that intimidating. If anything, she looks like Sleeping Beauty took too many drugs and woke up in a pissy mood.

"Get lost." Uriah snaps. Damn. Even in a pair of plain black pants, a white button-down, and dress shoes he looks scary.

"I'm good." Drew narrows his eyes. His tie is upside down, the side that should be against his chest facing outward. And his shirt isn't completely tucked in. Dumbfuck.

"Fine, whatever. We're leaving." I walk past the Terrible Threesome and out into the hall. I grab Uriah's arm and pull him into a corner. "This good enough?" I ask. I'm pretty much trapped between him and the wall.

"Mm...not quite." he tilts his head to the side.

"What's missing?" I ask.

He smiles. "This."  Then he presses his mouth against mine.

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