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Original chapter title: Here We Go...Again

Cara and I have been at the hospital for hours before they decided to let us back to see Will. Well, not me. Damn 'families only' rule. I have to wait until Cara and his parents have seen him first. And possibly a while after that.

"He's practically dying to see you." Cara says and smiles, coming back to get me. "Um, no pun intended. But I told my parents to let him see you, since he's okay enough to be begging to see you." I laugh and follow her down one of the sterile white hallways into one of the rooms.

Will's laying on the bed hooked up to at least ten different machines, not including the IV hooked to his arm. He gives me a smile as I walk in, and my heart skips a beat a little.

"You know, this is usually the other way around." I tell him, dropping onto the edge of the bed. "You know, girl gets shot, she's stuck in the hospital, and her loving boyfriend argues with the hospital staff and still waits hours to see her."

"Nice to see you two." He replies sarcastically.

I take his hand and hold it tightly. "How are you feeling?"

"Like I've been shot." He gives me a goofy grin.

I smack him upside the head. "Smartass."

He changes course quickly. "How's Tris? Those assholes almost did god-only-knows-what to her."

"You didn't hear? They had to bring her to the emergency room. She'd gotten shot in the shoulder and no one noticed."

"Well damn, they actually can aim. How'd they find out?" He asks, surprised.

"She literally fainted from bloodloss. Lucky for her, Four was right there and caught her." We start laughing. Leave it to Tris to get shot and not know it until she passes out.

"I told her to run, you know. Don't blame her for leaving me."

"She told me already. You're late." I quickly kiss him on the lips, then give him my best no-nonsense look. The one that my mother uses on me whenever she thinks I did something bad. "Don't you dare do that to me again. I was scared shitless."

"Sorry, next time I'll let them rape your friend or whatever-the-hell they wanted to do to her."

"Fine. Point taken."

"I love you." he gives me one of those forgive-me-for-my-stupidity smiles.

"I love you too." I kiss him lightly on the lips and leave. What is up with all of us and injury and death?

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