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A/N: Christina's camera is in the external link & Tris's outfit is on the right (just imagine that the jeans are shorts, 'kay?)

Original chapter title: The Slightly-Terrifying Tower

Lynn- being the incredibly stupid nutcase that she is- decides to make us ride both the Tower of Terror and the Rockin' Rollercoaster right after breakfast. The Rockin' Rollercoaster was actually fun- but Lauren totally lied when she said that you can't feel it when you go upside down. Screw her. Anyway. Now we're waiting in line for the Tower of Terror.

The wait is like, an hour, but that's okay. The place is really creepy and really cool, and Tris seems to be the only one that wouldn't mind camping out in a sleeping bag in this place. Yes, I have told her that she's insane. No, she does not give a damn.

We're standing near the fountain-thing with the lilypad lights, the hot sun beating down on us from above, making it's way through the treetops. Tris and Four are smart enough to stand under the thing with all of the plants running over it- I never knew what those wooden things that hold up the plants are called. Trellis? Something like that.

"Scared?" Zeke asks me, grinning next to Shauna.

"Just a little." I say, smiling sheepishly.

"You're as pale as a damn ghost."

"Not funny. And no, it wasn't a good joke."

Marlene, Lynn, Lauren, and Cara laugh from behind us. Uriah stands next to his stupid brother, but I see his eyes flicker back to where Marlene stands every few seconds. Tris and Four are in front of us, and even though it's obvious that Four would rather die slowly and painfully than get on this ride, he seems to be enjoying this.

Tris leans back against the stone wall, and Four's standing right in front of her, his forehead pressed against hers. He says something to her quietly, and she smiles, closing her eyes. The toes of their sneakers touch, and his hands are on the wall by her ribs, right next to hers, which are pressed onto the edge of the wall as if she's about to push herself up to sit on it.

"Watch this." I tell Zeke, grinning evilly. I slide my small, hot pink camera- yes, they do make pink cameras- from my pocket and turn it on, quickly snapping a few pictures of Tris and Four. This is so going on Instagram. And Twitter. And basically every social media site that I have an account for.

"You're a horrible person." Zeke jokes.

"She's completely despicable." Uriah agrees.

The line moves forward, and Tris and Four pull apart.

"She can't help that they're cute together and are loyal to each other." Marlene gives Uriah a pointed look and then runs to catch up with Tris. Uriah groans and Zeke mouths something to him. Shauna hurries the whopping ten feet to catch up with Marlene.

"So we've got three couples and then us loners." Lauren moans. "Kill me now and get it over with!" Um, excuse me? You and Lynn, hello?

We all laugh and hurry to catch up to our friends. "Careful, the ghosts might hear you!" Lynn laughs evilly.

"Ooooh, I'm sooooo scaaaaared!" I tease. If we thought the Haunted Mansion was bad...

Thank god we aren't getting on this at night.

Oh, who am I kidding? Lynn is going to make us get on it at night.

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