Matt Bomer as Austin ❤
The memories are fragmented, little to go on. But when I trusted my instincts, I discovered far more than I was able to admit. His face, his haunting, icy blue eyes, that scar, it triggered something within me, don't know what exactly it was. But from what I can guess, Christian wasn't exactly lying about a couple of things.
"He's the last person you should trust"......Christian's voice echoes through my mind. And for the first time in a long time, I felt sick to my stomach about my actions. Was I regretting that set up that I planned, no. But, there were some consistencies when it came to Christian's background information about me, Joey's choice to always keep me in the dark, and my obliterated memories.
There were a hell of a lot of things that didn't add up with Styles. But from all this secretive military work, the 'evolution of military weapons technology' as he put it, I felt hesitant that if I called him out on something like this, or even figure out what happened in those 4 years I lost, things wouldn't end well for me, to say the least.
I knew Joey was holding something back. I wasn't stupid enough to overlook all these minorities. Christian knew so much about me, they were subtle things, but things that made me who I was. He knew I was clumsy, he was able to recall these minute things like how my face tenses up when I'm in a deep thought, something that I was most likely doing at that very moment. And somehow, Joey knew that if he lay even a finger on me, Christian would flip out to the point of rage.
The moment Joey kissed me was I think the most bile and disgusting thing ever. I didn't return his kiss, not even after I got over the shock of it. I don't want him anywhere near me after that cringe worthy memory. And I'm pretty sure he tried to slip me the tongue. Bastard! Guess I could add that incident to my list as a red flag.
Then there was the strongest form of a clue that I had. This tattoo running the length of my shoulder and down to my elbow. And the more I think about it, the more I realize that Christian trying to warn me. This entire time I presumed that Heath was killed a year ago, based off the lie Joey told me. But because I didn't have glasses, I would never be able to read the fine print and realize that the '2014' was in fact '2011'!
The truth is, the more I think of it, the more I believe Christian, but only to a certain extent. See, what I couldn't fathom in why he wouldn't tell me how we met. Why couldn't he have just told me his connection with Heath? I distinctly remember him tensing up the moment I asked him that question. That was the solitary reason why I wasn't scrambling to fix what I had just planned. Because how am I to believe a word Christian says, if I don't even know my connection with him.
But, amidst all of this, the one thing that was the most ridiculous of all accusations. My father was a man named 'Chris Argent'? That's complete bullshit! I know who my parents are, sure they're the most inattentive parents in the world but they're were still my parents.
I was so caught up in all these startling revelations that I barely notice Styles walk in, more like strut in. But I keep my eyes firmly on the bloody dagger in my hand that I had used to stab Christian in the back, physically, and now that I come to figure it, metaphorically too.
"I have to admit, wasn't sure you were going to go through with the plan. Guess I underestimated you", he rambled on and on, and I heard every single words he said, I just chose to ignore him. He was an asshole, and an arrogant prick.....and a bastard, but he wasn't stupid enough to realize I was blowing him off
Taboo: Bittersweet Revenge (Sequel)
RomansaSome may call them Beauty and the Beast, but their lives are far from a fairytale. Because to say that Christian and Noah's relationship started out on rocky footing would be one hell of an understatement. 3 years on from that fateful night which s...