The "IT" Life

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"...what are you staring at?" i asked him, standing stiff as though something was crawling on me or someone was standing behind me, slowly inching closer, getting ready to bash my head in or grap me by the throat and strangle me to death...{man i got a wild imagination}

"Ummm...sorry it's just that you look...amazingly beautiful" he said. His eyes were shining as though he was looking at his most prized possession. That was one thing i really loved about him, the way he shows his emotions and expresses them towards me with every beat of his heart and breath of his lungs. Tyler was the best boyfriend i ever had. He was tall, muscular, handsome, toned skin, shiny and smooth blonde hair, delicious pink lips, awesome cool, funny, charming, every girl's dream...and he was mine, all mine.

"Really? i do?...thanks babe!" i shrieked while my face went all red from blushing at his words. i was wearing a tight-fitted, sparkley red tube dress, black suade pumps and my long silky black hair layed down in curls. "You look as handsome as ever. Hot actually" i laughed at my word choices. Tyler was wearing a black tux designed by J. Courture with a red shirt, same shade as my dress on the inside. Looking sharp with his designer dress shoes and his hair well jelled up. In case you were wondering, we were heading to our homecoming dance and i had to look freakishly hot if i was gonna win homecoming queen and him homecoming king. Why wouldn't we, he's the hottest, most popular guy in school and i was dating him. Unbelieveable how it happened though.

"Thanks, you know how i do babe" he replied to my awkward compliment.

"Hey guys are you ready, the others are here with the limo!" my mom shouted from down in the living room.

"Uhh, yeah mom we'll be down in a second okay!" i shouted back.

"I'm so excited! are you ready?" i asked Tyler who was checking himself out in my full body mirror. 

"Yup! let's do this."

I grabbed my clutch and we made our way downstairs to the living room where my parents and little sister were. As usual, my mother was all happy and tearing up and my father was standing with a camera in his left hand which was neatly folded in with his right across his chest.

"Oh hunny, you look so beautiful! hurry and take the picture Jack they gotta go"

"I know i know!" he raised his hands while Tye and i posed and he took the picture. I was sure i looked horrible because the flash went off in my face and i blinked and probably screwed my face up. HAHA.

"Aight then, let's hit the road!" Tyler suggested.

"Now son, i want no excessive touching, groping, face smacking or beyond you hear me, treat my princess like the queen she looks like tonight." {He just had to go there didn't he} i looked at him with disgust and a bit of unfair in my eyes.

"Yessir i gotcha!" Tyler replied. Then we said our goodbyes, exchanged hugs and waves and was on our way to party hard and have the best night of our young lives!


We were cruising in the limo on our way to St. Teller's High for our homecoming, sticking our heads out the sun roof admiring the lights of the city and the winds in our hair. Good thing the wind wasn't too heavy to mess our hair do's up.

"Ashley might i say, you look so fabbo gurl!" Tammy said admiring my dress and heels. 

"I so agree but i totes look hotter!" Daniel added with laughter. They were my best friends. They totally took me in when i thought all hope was lost. Nobody liked me, wanted to be my friend or even dared to look at me because i was some sort of freak. They just came up to me one day and offered to transform my life and give me what i always wanted. Of course i couldn't pass up that opportunity, heck!

Tammy was a super hot african american girl. She had long thick black hair with her sides shaved, snake bite piercings, smooth dark skin, and she was so funny. One of the coolest people i've ever met. 

Danielle was a porsh white girl with shoulder length golden blonde hair with blue dipped ends. She was as fair as can be, nose piercing, ocean blue eyes and extremely pretty. Almost every hot guy in school had been with her but now she was with Ethan Cane, a quarterback football player at school. Tammy was with Xavier Matthews, the school's famous drama star and i was with the guy who was good at everything, Tyler Cunningham. The girls introduced me to him after they totally transformed me into a cheerleading babe and him and i just hit it off. He liked the way my eyes sparkled when i smiled and the golden brown highlights in my raven black hair...his exact words.

"Girlsss, you all look as sexy as ever, no need to compare" said Xavier turning on his star charm and smiling at Tammy.

"And i can't wait to see you look even sexier with that dress o-f-f..." Ethan whispered to Daniel, nibbling on her left ear and rubbing her thighs under her dress, causing her to giggle and blush. 

I looked at Tyler who was smiling at me and then he gave me a wink {what does that mean?} i said in my head.

"Hey Ash"...Daniel said cutting off my thoughts, "we made plans after homecoming, hope you're ready cause Tyler said he can't wait." she smiled at me and turned back to Ethan.

"What?...what plans?...can't wait for what exactly?" i babbled to her but she ignored me and continued loving up with Ethan.

{what are they up to? it's probably no big deal anyway. Maybe i should ask Tyler...nah, i'll just wait and see. If anything i'll just the wimp i really am}



I apologize if the story started off kinda sketchy and weird, the idea just popped into my head and i had to start writing, didn't really know how to start it lol.



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