Chpt 17: Decisions

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Lanter's POV:

It was 7am when i woke up. I turned to face Ashley who was still sound asleep. She looked like an angel, even more beautiful than she'd ever looked before. Her hair was messy but it fell against her cheek so perfectly in my eyes. I brushed some of the hair from her face and planted a soft kiss on her forehead, she moved a little but didn't wake up. I still couldn't believe what happened between us last night but i was here, in her bedroom, in bed with her, so there was no way it could've been a dream.

I got up and put my clothes back on and went downstairs to get my hoodie and sneakers. I would've told Ashley that i was leaving but i was sure her mom was gonna show up soon and besides, i didn't want to wake her and deprive her of her sleep.

"Oh shit." I mummbled under my breath, remembering that we had school starting in a hour. I exited the house and hopped into my car, making sure to text Ashley so she wouldn't think i was a virginity stealing jerk for skipping out on her. On my way back home i admitted to myself, the actual feelings that i was having towards this girl, more than i had for Jessica. I was actually IN LOVE with Ashley...but when will i tell her that?







Ashley's POV:

"Ash!?"My mom called from the bottom of the stairs, "Ashley are you awake!?"

I got up to the sound of her voice calling to me but i didn't answer. It sounded like she was coming up the stairs and then i heard a knock on my door. "Ashley?" I instantly saw that i was completely naked and flew up out of my bed and ran into the bathroom, shutting and locking the door. My mom opened my bedroom door and didn't see me.

"Ashley why are your clothes all over the floor like that?" She said noticing my scattered clothes from last night' with Lanter.

"Sorry mom, i got up late, need to hurry!" I yelled in response to her.

"Move quickly, your father will be here for you in ten minutes." She told me, then made her way back down the stairs.

I came down the minute i heard my dad's car pull up in the front yard. My mom handed me my purse from the rack in the living room and opened the front door.

"Hey mom!"Sassy shouted from the back seat and my mom smiled and waved at her. She hated seeing my dad since they divorced but keeping us from him would only break our hearts more and my mom would never want that. I kissed her on the cheek and ran to the car, hopping in and speeding off, on my way to school.


"Hey baby."Tyler said as he walked up to me and planted a kiss on my cheek. He leaned on the lockers next to mine and grew a strange look on his face.

"Why haven't you been returning my calls?"He asked with his both eyes glued to the side of my face.

"My call settings' been real shitty on my phone lately." I answered, still not looking at him and switching my books.

"Your message settings too?"He stood straight and put his hands in his jacket pockets, "cause you haven't been texting me back either."

I stopped and looked at him. "I'm sorry Tyler but i can't." I closed my locker shut and began to walk away but he started walking behind me. "Can't what Ashley!?"

"I just can' this anymore!" I stopped in my tracks and turned around to face him. "I can't be with you Tyler. I'm done."

Tyler was stunned. He looked at me with a bit of confusion in his eyes but it didn't take long for his mood to change. At this point everyone out in the halls were paying attention to what was going on with us.

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